chapter 4

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Addy's pov

I was finally doing better being back home and not just going through the motions. I knew when I was away at college things would be easy until I came back here. Because here is where everything happened; here is where we made our memories. So almost every damn place in this town reminds me of him in some way or another. And I was just getting past it. I had just gotten to the point where I could smile at the memories instead of cry.
My tears from today's encounter had finally stopped, but I still didn't feel quit calm enough to drive. So I hopped out of my jeep to take a walk around the mini lake that's been created by all the digging. Guess I should probably call
Ms Becky now too so she doesn't loose her mind looking for me. The phone didn't even ring once on my end before she picked up. "Oh Addy I'm so sorry sweet heart! I didn't...." I cut her off. "It's ok mama Becky. I'll be ok. I know you didn't plan any of this. And let's face it. He's a grown ass man. You can control him any more. He's going to do what he wants to do. Seeing him just threw me for a loop and I panicked. Everything came flooding back all at once. But..." This time she cut me off. "Addy I hate to butt in." The hesitation in her voice told me something was up. "Where are you? I know your not at home so I kind of panicked and called Brantley. Tore him up one side and down the other actually... Point is I think he's looking for you since I was in such a huff when I called. And I'm sure he's the last person you want to see right now." That's when I saw him. He was on the other side of the lake near the swimming hole leaning against his truck and he just spotted me.... "He's here... I'll call you back later after I deal with this. I promise I'll try not to make to much of a mess of your son." Hearing Ms Bs stern voice actually directed at me had me kinda stunned. "Addy Rose you listen to me and you listen good. He's my son, and I love him dearly. But that doesn't make what he did to you right. So you say what you need to say. You hear me? It's his turn and he made this mess. He thinks he's a grown man well he can start acting like one and fix this..... He needs to fix himself. You two be careful out there." "Yes ma'am." Was the last thing I said before I hung up. Now do I do as I'm told and go confront him, or do I bolt to my jeep and run like hell? I didn't have a chance to make that decision. The shit head had snuck around me while I was on the phone with his mama. He's now standing in the path between me and my jeep. "Jesus! Brantley are you trying to give me a heart attack?" He smirked and all it did was piss me off. My blood was on its way to its boiling point. Don't loose it yet Addy. You've got to much to say! "Sorry darlin. No I wasn't tryin. Just didn't want you to run again. Or get hurt out here. Mama's so pissed shed probably skin me alive at this point. So I figured I should at least try to fix it." By this point I was so pissed my mouth was going 90 mile a minute. " Fix it? Here?" I motioned to where we were and he hung his head. "Hell of place to fix it since this is where you broke my heart! Why can't you just leave me alone? Why? why? why? Why did you feel the need to come looking for me? I'm the one you tossed to the side so you could have the hot shot super star life! Ya got it now go live it and leave me the hell alone!" I didn't know what to expect, but I definitely didn't expect him to care enough to ask questions. "Why do you want me gone so bad?" I must have looked dealdy after he asked that because he backed away from me. "How else am I supposed to forget about you and move on with my life? Its bad enough everything reminds me of you! I knew one day I wouldn't be able to dodge you when you came home. But for you to come find me? I mean what did you really expect Brantley? Did you seriously think I would come running back like nothing happened? Like its all ok? And I'm sure you would like to think news of your new life style hadn't reached home, but it has. New piece of ass every other weekend is the way I've heard it. Looks like ya got just what ya wanted hum hot shot." He didn't have a chance to say anything. I barreled passed him to my jeep and made sure to throw gravel as I tore out of there. But as soon as my anger started to fade the damn tears kicked back on.... Damn you Brantley Keith!

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