chapter 8

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Addy's pov

"Brantley I .... I don't..." The words wouldn't form. The look on his face was painful. I never thought I would see the day he came back. Now he's here and I don't know what to do. How do I handle this and not get hurt? He spoke so softly I could barely hear him. "Addy I don't blame you if you shove me out that door and never look in my direction again. God knows I more than deserve it baby. But I'm begging you, seeing your reaction at the school cut me deep. But at the gravel pits... Addy-girl that tore my heart out. So say what you need to Addy. Scream at me, cuss me, hell.. Hit me if it helps. But get it all out." Brantley rumbled. I took a deep breath then turned my brain off and let my heart take over. "That first year you were gone, every day was my own personal hell. Every night I woke up in tears, reaching for you. But you weren't there. I don't know what I would have done without your mama." Thinking of Ms.B made me smile. "She pulled me through even though seeing her was still painful too. I'm not the only one who hurt over all this...." That's a topic for later. Get back on track Adalynn! "My point is that it took me a year to become fully functional. Everywhere I looked, I saw us. Memories we made, places we went, people we knew. I couldn't get away from you. Before you ask, yes, friends tried to set me up on dates. But when it came down to it, I couldn't let you go.... No one measured up. Even... Even now when I know I shouldn't.... After the heart ache, the misery.... No one could ever come close to you Brantley. But after 3 years, we're not the same people... We can't be... It doesn't work like that...I'm rambling, and I know I probably sound crazy. What I'm trying to say is..." Brantley had finally looked up at me. Tear stains still visible on his cheek. "You're not crazy babe. Not at all. It's going to take time and patience to win you back. I know that. And you're all I want. I don't want to pick up where we left off Addy. I want a clean slate. You're dead right, we're not the same people we were three years ago, so let's get to know each other all over again. Let me show you that I can be the man you need."

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