chapter 14

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Addy's pov

Reality kicked in when I pulled into the school parking lot. Omg Ms. Becky will know what's going on when she sees I'm driving Brantley's truck. Well she won't "know" everything that happened. Maybe I should just Dodge her and eat lunch in my class room. Say I need to get caught up. Which isn't a lie. I still need to do more lesson planning.... "Addy Rose!" I heard Ms Becky yell my name. Well hell. There went that idea. "Oh no what happened dear? You look like you didn't get much sleep. Was my son a little shit bird again?" She looked cross with him until she spotted his truck in the parking lot. Great. I just hung my head and half smirked. "We need to have lunch in your class room today so you can fill me in. I know good and well there's a whole story that goes with that big ol black truck out there dear!" "Yes ma'am." was all I could say before I dashed to the safety of my class room. I sent B a quick txt before the kids piled in: she knows. I don't know how but your mama knows! She saw your truck when I got here. And the sly look I got! I know where you get it from now. The txt I got back was adorable. B: just breath. My mama loves you just please dont give her to much detail.

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