Chapter 1

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                         Chapter 1:

-The Journey Begins-

     It was a September day and sonic was now awake from being asleep in his blue bed. Sonic slept in a car bed because he is fast so he also likes things that are fast. He is also 13. And he is also blue.

   Sonic yawned because it was the first day of middle school.

"Good morning world, I am excited for middle school." Sonic said.

  Sonic went to the kitchen and saw sonics mom cooking pancakes and he said hello good morning. Sonic's mom gave sonic some pancakes with blueberries because they are blue and blueberries are also blue so it was cool. Sonic ate breakfast fast because he was almost going to be late for middle school. He looked at the clock that said "8:55" on it in those green glowing electric type letters but with numbers.

   "Oh no! Said sonic" I am going to be late for middle school because it starts at 9 o clock and it is almost that time". Said sonic.

     Sonic grabbed his backpack and ran out the door fast and didn't even say goodbye to his mom and let her kiss him on the cheek because he was in middle school now so he was pretty much a big kid and that would be a gay thing to do.

     Sonic ran past tails house just as tails was going out of his houses front door.

   "Hello !Tails! We are going to be late for middle school so come on." Said sonic to Tails.

   Tails was happy to see sonic because the last time he saw him was two days ago but now that school has started he is happy to see him in a different way, as if he hadn't seen him since the Cold War.  Tails ran by sonic and they both got to the bus stop and got on to the bus just in time.

   Sonic sat down in a empty seat. And tails wanted to sit in his own spot because that's what big kids did. Tails was only 12 though. But Shadow was sitting where two people could sit in 2 seats which was a bad kid thing to do but no one bothered him for it because he was kind of a dark and scary guy. This was against the rules of both man and God but Tails just sat next to Charmy Bee since shadow was taking up two spots.

   Tails thought Charmy bee was super gay but he sat there anyway.

     "Hey Tails how was your summer!"? Asked Charmy in a happy and kind of fag way. "Hello Charmy. "Said tails to Charmy. Because he did not want to talk to him but it would be rude if he ignored him.

     "It was ok, because I got to see this girls boobs when I was camping and her top fell off in the pool. It was super cool. " said tails.

    Just then, the bus stopped at Sonic Middle School and all the kids got off the bus and the bus driver waved goodbye and wished them all good fortune as he left the driveway.


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