Chapter 11

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   -sonics resurrection -

After sonic got  the cockane from rouge, it was time to integrate phase 2 of his master mega mind plan into what he was doing in his day to day activities . these types of activities included folding his laundry and going to the bathroom. if you drink a lot of water you will pee more often

"How will i distribute my cockane tablets to the cool kids? I cannot talk to them right now! They all hate me for the queer nut that I am." Thought sonic to his mind. then he got an idea.

his trusty pal tails would never leave sonic although sonic was currently the most faggot of sonic middle school. he is always there to comfort sonic and catch the tears that roll off sonics cheek in his hands . Tears can stain a carpet

"tails will pass on the cock cane to my ex-friends for me like a game of telephone but with illegal drugs" thought sonic, except he was alone so he said it out loud and it was acceptable. in this situation no one thought he was weird or crazy for talking to himself because there was no one around to judge him like a sloppy cunt would.

  It was time for class and sonic rolled to class extremely fast to meet tails  because this was one of his best attributes, and sometimes he just can't help himself . he can be a burden sometimes

"hello tails. Sonic here. Hey can you do me a favour, I know you will answer yes to the question I just asked" sonic said to tails who was beside him now.
And sonic was right, because well, tails replied "yes" to sonic "I can do you a favour!"
Tails took a moment to appreciate how amazing sonic can be at any given skill such as predicting the future which is what he just did. sometimes your best friend still has good qualities underneath their loser faggot shell

"tails I need you to give this cocane to knuckles Amy and shadow and espio. Make sure they love it before you tell them it's from me said sonic" to tails as he handed him all the coaine from Rouge. she had boobs.

Sonic did a cool face and a dance move because he was proud of this genius plan. tails took note of this

"ok sonic. This will surely bring you up at least 400+ points on the cool scale, I will let you know the exact amount after it happens. goodbye sonic" tails took the crazy drug powder that was against the rules of both man and God to have in your backpack at school and went to lunch time with his friends that remained cool after this whole ordeal.

Even though tails is a smart diplomat at sonic middle school he can do cool things like this sometimes. But tails always stays true to himself and researches the effects and dangers of cokcaine before giving it to his friends. he takes precautions most of the time.

"Oh boy my friends might do things that they would not normally do if they drink these cocaine. But sonic does need to become a blue teenage socialite again so I will do it" tails thought to himself, inside his head unlike that sikeo sonic the hedghog.

Tails could be someone who gives talks to younger kids about how to stay true to yourself and teach them some valuable lessons like caring.


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