Chapter 9

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        -Sonic's Reputation Dies-

On Monday sonic went back to school and it was kind of weird because everyone was acting weird at sonic. He was walking down the hallway and someone yelled  fag ass! and everyone laughed at sonic.

"Hey! Shut up homo cunt!" Sonic said and he ran fast down the hallway. He went to find tails and he told him what happened. Tails said "yeah it is no surprise that everyone is calling you a fag boy. Because everyone saw you put mouth sex in Charmy bee who is for sure a fag ass nerd queer."

Sonic was shocked, although he is fast he did not do a dance move. "No way, how did everyone see that. I am going to kill that gay fag Charmy bee! I AM NOT A GAY SONIC"

Tails felt bad for sonic becaus he just wanted to put in his first sex. "There was a secret camera in knuckles moms room that his parents use to watch over him from ice land. Knuckles saw it and put it on SonicTube. Now it is viral and everyone knows you are a fag ass. Sorry man" said tails to sonic.

Sonics heart sank inside his chest because it was all over. Now he was the gayest nerd cunt of all Sonic Middle School. Tails walked away from sonic even though they are best friends he couldn't be seen with this zucchini licking queer nut in public. Sonic went into the janitors closet and was beside the vaccum and he cried. It was a bad day for sonic.

Sonic was walking home after school was over and he couldn't bring him self to be on the bus and made fun of. Charmy bee was walking with him and said "Hi Sonic!" Sonic looked at him and he filled up with firey black and red anger rage inside of sonic. "YOU DUMB GAY BEE I HATE YOU BECAUSE YOU HAD TO DO A BRO JOB ON ME AND YOU MADE IT INTO GAY. NOW EVERYONE SAW IT ON SONICTUBE AND NOW IM NOT COOL AT ALL AND IM FEELING NOT AS FAST AS USUAL. I HATE YOU CHARMY BEE!!!!1" sonic pushed Charmy bee so hard and he fell onto the road and was crying and he even got a little scrape on his knee from the ashfalt because if you rub your skin on ashfalt it will scrape. Sonic stormed off and Charmy got ran over by the school bus.

Sonic was now red sonic and angry and sad too. He got home and slammed his door and had to figure out how to become the coolest kid in schools again, but right now he was red sonic and he had tattoos now and a piercing on him and he was always gonna be red now because  that Dumb fag Charmy ruined his life for him.

Sonic (who is now red sonic) went on his bed and punched the pillow, and he went on SonicTube and watched the video of him and Faggy Bee. This just made him more mad and sad and he started watching videos of knifes and coke cane and then he got an idea of what he should do next, and his big plan defiantly involved coke cane.

He went to bed and thought over his big plan.


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