Chapter 14

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Doctor Medical

Sonic started dashing and he ran all the way to a different country where no one knew his name or identity. When he arrived and crossed the border of country seperation and courage, he went right to the nearest doctors office and booked an appointment and then sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes and then went in to see the doctor when the nice lady called sonics name.

"Hi there, Sonic Thehedgehog?" The doctor man said to confirm he was with the right patient and sonic nodded because what he said was true.

"My name is Dr. Medical what seems to be the problem today?" Dr. Medical said to sonic the hedgehog. Dr medical was wearing a white uniform with a Red Cross on it and a logo that says "HCCC" that stood for "Hospital of Care, Cure, & Cancer" .

Sonic was nervous to tell him but he knew a doctor is always a safe adult to tell your problems to so he could do this. "Yeah, Well, here's the thing. I have really crazy and messed up penis and balls that I scratched and they stunk up my entire campground which is not good for my image at middle school. I think they might be diseased or have a problem." Sonic said to dr medical.

Dr. Medical made notes on his important paper and thought a little bit about what sonics disease might be. He did not know the answer so he asked sonic to put a white cotton medical stick inside his butthole and one in between his balls to collect balls germs. Sonic did this

Then dr medical took a pair of medical scissors and carefully snipped a piece of sonics blue and ill penis off and put into a science bag. Sonic felt the pain of this sample but knew it was for the greater good so he let it happen. Dr medical then sent off all of the samples to the lab to be diagnosed by a team of doctors or scientists that were a level of intellegence above Dr Medical and were also very good at difficult card games like poker or monopoly.
"Oh sonic the results are in. I have the results in my hand. I'll read the results." Said dr medical to sonic who was listening. Sonic heard this

"Sonic, your balls penis, and even butthole are all definitely diseased. And the disease is.... Testicular Cancer. I am very sorry Sonic :( " mr Medical delivered the news to sonic which hit sonic like a freight train full of coal and bricks or cinder blocks or even fresh produce. sonics heart dropped to a lower spot and his stomach flip flopped into a new position, all of this was due to how the testicle cancer news made him feel inside.

Sonic did not do any dance moves or party tricks. "Wow. This really sucks. How can I cure my down there zone of the cancer doc?" Asked sonic to dr medical.

"Well sonic there is 3 very important steps to curing Balls Cancer. Listen very closely because it is the only thing that will save your life. Step 1: you must make sex inside of at least 10 girls and 2 boys by the end of the school year. Step 2: you must shave all of your blue hedgehog hair and become a bald sonic if you want to become an authentic cancer patient. And finally step 3: if you do not do these steps then your Balls or PenisCancer will make your penis stop working and we will have to perform transgender surgery to turn your penis into a girls vagina. " dr Medical told to sonic who heard it all.

"Wow. Okay I will do one step right now." Sonic said fast as he fastly pulled out a razor and shaved his entire body hair off of his whole body. Sonic was now a hairless bald and gross cancer patient version of his usual self. Step one completed he thought inside of his head so that Dr Medical could not hear it even though he would be ok with hearing this

"Thanks for all your help doctor I gotta go back to my field trip now and finish the other steps to cure my Balls Cancer once and for all. See ya " sonics bald self told to the doctor and left the doctors office and country and returned to Sonic Campground.

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