3. The Reunion

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"Oh my gosh!" She squeals like a little girl. "How are you here!" She says giving me a big hug.

"Simon bought me."

"He what?"

"He bought me at the auction without realising it was, well, me."

"Oh dear. Well, I'm so glad to see you. What was it like on the carriage ride here? Please don't tell me he bored you to tears?"

"Oh no. It was actually quite funny listening about him having a crush on me when I was living next door." She laughed.

"How are you going to tell him?"

"Don't you mean them? Anyway I have to take this off at 6:00pm anyway so yeah." I reply waving my hat around.

"Do you have the names in your wrist?"

"Yeah, Simon's is on there." I say showing her my wrist.

"They go away eventually." She says giving me another hug. "And you might want to put your hat back on." She says before stepping out the door. I put my hat on and go out the door.

"Mummy! I'm hungry!" I hear Aggie moan down the hall.

"That's what the maids for." Eric says sticking his head out the door. I walk down the hall to find Aggie looking for me.

"Do you know where the maid is?"

"I'm the new maid and what type of sandwich would you like?"

"JAM!" She squeals excitedly

"Keep it down! I'm trying to work!" I hear Simon shout for his bedroom.

"Before I make your sandwich. I'm going to sort out grumpy bum." I whisper to Aggie. She giggles at my remark.

"Okay" she whispers back giggling.

I walk to Simon's door and knock.

"Go away." He says sounding very tired. I quietly open the door and shut it again.

I quickly look over his shoulder and read what his story.

"You're a writer?"

He quickly turns around obviously getting a fright. "Bloody hell! You gave me a heart attack."
He says holding his hand above his heart.

"Sorry. I was just wondering what your doing because you sounded very stressed when you yelled at Aggie."

"Yeah, I'm just tired and I don't have any ideas." He replies running a hand through his hair. "Have a nap then I'll wake you up before dinner or I'll get someone too."

"Please not Aggie and thanks." He says getting up our bodies awkwardly close, our faces only centimetres apart. After a few seconds of awkward silence I break it.

"Umm, I'll just go." I say tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

"I don't know why but your voice sounds very familiar." He mumbles as he jumps on top of his bed.

"Goodnight." I reply before hopping out the door.

I make Aggie her sandwich and help Cook make dinner. Evangeline comes in with Tora and Aggie. That's when an idea pops into my head.

"Hello Tori. Hello Evangeline. Hello Aggie." I say not looking up. Tora very quickly looks shocked but soon turns into looking very excited.

"There is only one person in the world who calls me Tori," She says walking up to me and taking my hat off. "Hello Harri."

Undeniable Love • Simon BrownWhere stories live. Discover now