15. Arrangements

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It's been a couple of weeks since I got engaged and everything but organizing for the wedding has gone smoothly. Which isn't much in my case.

I sigh as I finish folding Aggie's clothes for her as she plays outside. She has been trying to help me with choosing everything but since she's so young she just says yes to everything.

I chuckle to myself as i remember when we were picking flowers in the meadow talking about the wedding she seemed to have me and Simon's whole life planned out for us. We'd buy the large house down the road from here, have six children, two being named Charlie and Ella. Simon would publish his books and I would be a teacher.

"You alright there." Simon says interupting my thoughts.

"Yep. I'm fine, I was just thinking that's all." I say turning to face him while placing some of Aggie's folded clothes a wooden chair.

"Thinking?" He questions swaggering towards me. "What were you thinking about?" He chuckles.

"How Aggie has our life after the wedding all planned out for us, we'd buy the big house for sale down the street, have six children-"

"Six children!" He laughs. "Gosh we're busy people aren't we?" He jokes.

"I'm definatley not having six." You say sitting on Aggie's bed. "Wasn't this your bed?" I say looking at the slightly familar bed. He shrugs and sits next to you, lifting the many toys and pillows at the end of the bed. After moving the duvet, you see 'Simon' messily carved into the wooden bed.

He laughs. "I don't even know how you noticed this was mine, I didn't even notice! I thought Father burnt it after I grew out of it." He says tracing the messy handwriting engraved into the bed.

"I don't know, it just seemed familiar." I shrugg laughing.

"You alright though? Like this whole wedding thing isn't stressing you out or anything? I dont want to force you into anything." He says looking at me

"It is kinda stressful and it's not easy but I think with a little more help and time I'll be fine." I say giving him a small smile.

"Do you want me to help with anything? I may seem busy but I'm not really."

"Getting your suit may be a good start?" I suggest laughing.

He smiles at me and kisses me on the forehead. "Love you." He whispers before leaving the room, moving out of the road as Lily rushes into the room.

"You alright?" I ask with a raised brow, standing up with caution.

"She's here." She says out of breath.


"Miss Cambridge."

Ooooohhhh. What's going to happen for Harriet???? Who knows???

P.S: I need some help from you guys cause I've hit some small writer's block and need some ideas to end this book. I have some ideas but it's not enough to end the book.
Just comment down below an idea as long as it's an original idea, not copied from another fan-fic.
Otherwise have a lovely day!


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