You Will Be Missed

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You Will Be Missed.

Why did you have to leave us Angel.

When you left our hearts fell.

When you loved you did it with your heart and soul.

Your in a better place so I'm told.

You were the best of us all.

So why was it you who received the call.

You lit up a room when you walked into it.

In any set a circumstance you seemed to fit.

When people were sad

your smile made them glad.

How I will miss that sweet face.

How will we survive without your grace.

They say I will see you again someday.

Until then I will miss you day after day.

I miss your laugher dear heart.

Why from us did you have to part.

Sometimes I can still feel you.

Those are the days there isn't anything I can't do.

Your shinning light is gone.

But the love you gave us lives on.


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