Thin line between love and hate

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Authors note: As always this is just my opinion. And although I defend my right to have it. It is never my intention to offend anyone. So I apologize if I have.

Thin line between love & hate

Some people believe in you some people don't.

There are times I would like to say I didn't, but I wont.

Because I know your real.

Its just something you feel.

I see you in the wonders of a new day.

Or the bird that just flew away.

In the joy of a new birth.

In the amazing colors of this great earth.

In the glorious laughter of a child.

In the mysteries of the wild.

In such beautiful things I can feel the loving side of you.

And I know in those moments it is only right to love you too.

Then I look around and see the darker side of life.

There are things happening that just aren't right.

There are some of your beautiful children being beaten.

There are people we trust, lying and cheating.

There are people who make this world a better place dying way to soon.

In those moments its hard to see the beauty of the moon.

I wonder if you can create such beauty.

Why can you not influence all these atrocities?

I know we bring a lot of this on ourselves.

Because some people have forgotten you and put you on a shelf.

Are you mad is this your revenge?

Against great powerful you, how will any of us be able to defend?

It is at these times that it is not love I feel but hate.

I will love you again, will you still love me or will it be to late?


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