To young to feel this old

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To young to feel this old

I am to dam young to feel this old.

You will survive I have been told.

What if I don't want to anymore.

What if its to big of a chore.

Why do I keep trying.

When in my heart I'm already dieing.

My soul is tired.

After everything that has transpired.

Some people wonder but they don't ask.

Its hard to see my pain behind my mask.

When you try to fix a life as broken as mine.

There are always pieces you will never find.

I feel so empty, I just want to let it all go.

The dept of my loneliness nobody knows.

I don't have any fight left in me.

The light at the end of the tunnel I can no longer see.

Maybe I'm just to damaged.

Maybe there is to much carnage.

I'm just to broken, I can't be fixed.

And my heart can no longer be tricked.

Inside of me there is this angry storm.

And sometimes I wish I had never been born.


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