It's Our Fault

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Authors note: Ok guys this is not my normal work. Not that I have a normal. My poetry seems to be all over the map. But this ones a little angry. I wasn't going to post it. One of my best gals tells me, it might help someone make better decisions than I did. If it helps one person its worth the pain. So you have been warned you can choose to read or not to, either way I respect ya.

It's our fault

It's your fault she's gone.

My hate for you will live on and on.

If you hadn't beat me.

She never would have been born early.

She wouldn't have been sick.

You didn't even visit her, you prick.

That sweet little girl suffered so much pain.

And at your feet is where I will always place the blame.

Maybe if I had left you.

My heart wouldn't be torn in two.

But my dues I pay.

I live with the pain of loosing her everyday.

Not you though, you don't care.

And in her short life you refused to share.

It's not my job to be your judge.

My soul I will not dirty, by holding a grudge.

It's your loss, you can't get back the time with her.

She lives vividly in my memory as where you are just a blur.


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