It wasn't enough time

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It wasn't enough time

She was innocent and sweet.

She had a smile with which no one could compete.

And her laugh it just couldn't be beat.

Her hair was so blonde it was almost white.

Life with her felt so right.

I never got to show her how to fly a kite.

Her eyes were the deepest blue.

Every day with her was brand new.

I feel so empty, I pray she doesn't feel that way too.

If I could just have one more day.

With her I would just play and play.

In that day I would always want to stay.

I'm not sure where we go when we die.

But I hope they gave her wings and she can fly.

Sometimes I think I can still hear her cry.

I know its all in my head.

Because I was there, I know she's dead.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish that fate had taken me instead.

She died to young.

Her life had just begun.

We were having so much fun.

I have dreams of her running free and wild.

It's not natural to out live your child.

I was blessed to have had her, if only for a little while.


I miss you

Sad PoemsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt