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     SCOTT GIVES OFF the vibe of carelessness. While that isn't the case most of the time, it still kind of is, especially since he sits behind the counter, texting his friends, and not actually tending to the flowers. In fact, Scott's doing that exact thing as Camille and her mother enter the florist shop, Sweet Stems, for the second time that week. He barely acknowledges them, too busy scanning the influx of messages he's getting. See? Careless.

     However, Scott's still aware of the two ladies and how they're marveling the place, especially since it somehow looks more majestic than ever. Scott's mom says that it's because the place is magical; he says it's only the natural light pouring in, making the shop look brighter. They both agree that a place on a New York street corner is something a person can't help but like.

     Except, there are the times when Scott's outer appearance turns them away. That's already established with the messy dark brown hair, the imposing green eyes, the evil glint of his lip piercing. His exposed arms, revealed by his Ramones shirt rolled up to the elbow, are characterized by the number of scattered tattoos. Nobody seems to doubt he has more, which is true nevertheless.

     He then glances at Camille, observing how much of a princess she looks compared to him.

     Her reddish-brown hair falls barely above her shoulders in messy waves. Camille's makeup looks simple, even when it makes her admittedly beautiful enough for some elegant party. It also makes her hazel eyes more noticeable, Scott notes. She's only wearing a plain gray dress with a plaid shirt thrown over it and a pair of Converses on her feet. There's just nothing princess-y about that.

     He looks down again when he sees her splitting away from her mother and walking over to him. Camille folds her dainty hands on the counter and says, "Hi."

     Scott looks at her, pretending that he didn't spend the last few seconds doing just that. He slathers on a bored expression because he shouldn't be excited to see a person he barely knows and lets out a gruff, "Hey."

     That doesn't turn her away, however. She's so fucking different, and Scott likes that.

     "So," Camille casually says, "how's the florist business been since Wednesday?"

     "Absolute hell," Scott replies before remembering the numerous text messages he got before Camille came over, "I'm actually gonna go on break right now."

     She momentarily pauses, and he slightly feels bad for putting her aside when she clearly came to talk to him. That doesn't stop her, however, when she asks, "Mind if I come?"

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