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bonus • 1

A FEW MONTHS have passed since Scott Akers last saw Camille West, his girlfriend, in person. No matter how close video-chatting can get, it's definitely not like the real thing. Scott can't kiss her rosy lips or touch her satin skin through the screen. He can only imagine, and even then, it's never quite enough. There's always this dull ache in the back of his head, urging him to be near Camille. Scott thought it would get easier, and admittedly, it did, but it's always going to be hard to have someone so important be so far away. Right now, there are thousands of couples and family members and friends who are across the world from each other. The several hundred miles between Scott and Camille seem less significant in comparison, but distance is distance, and pain is pain.

     However, Scott's schedule cleared up for just enough time to go visit Camille tonight on Thursday, spend the weekend at Chicago with her, and then come back to New York by Sunday night. With his parents agreeing to let him go, Scott can set off to see his girl. Camille doesn't know at all about his plan at all, and he's planning to keep it that way. It'll be a nice surprise for her, and the thought of that has him warm all over. Fuck, he doesn't know what he'll do when he sees her.

Even though there's only an hour time difference between New York and Chicago, and the flight was only two hours, Scott still feels a little disoriented. Maybe it was the fact that he spent all that time sitting next to a mother and her crying child, or maybe it was the slight turbulence that he felt rolling through the plane. Either way, he's glad that he's finally on solid ground and not thousands of feet up in the air. Except, Scott is happier with the fact that he's going to see his girlfriend very, very soon.

After resting up for a bit during the cab ride, Scott eventually locates Camille's dorm with some directional help and the memory of when his girlfriend gave him a tour over FaceTime. Scott pulls out his phone and calls Camille on the way to her place. She doesn't pick up the first time, which causes him to internally panic. If she's busy or in class right now, then what is he supposed to do for the time that she's gone? Scott doesn't want this plan to terribly fail, especially since coming this far in the first place. So, he calls again.

On the third ring, his girlfriend picks up and answers with, "Hey. I didn't have my phone on me when you first called."

      He smiles, even though she can't see it. "Hey, sweet, were you busy?"

"Kind of. I'm hanging out with some friends in my dorm."

      Oh. "Should I call back later?"

      "No, no. My friends can wait."

      There's muffled noises in the background, and then he can vaguely hear one of the girls saying that Camille doesn't have to pretend to have a pretty cool, punk, badass boyfriend. He'll have to thank whoever complimented him.

      "Anyway," Scott says with a slight chuckle, aimlessly walking around a few feet away from her door, "I sent something for you. Consider it to be a really early anniversary gift."

"I'll--" Camille cuts herself off, almost dropping her phone in surprise, as she witnesses a very smug Scott leaning against her doorframe.

     Not a moment later, Camille's arms are wrapped around him in a hug. Scott immediately lifts her up in response, wanting to look straight into her gorgeous eyes just before placing a kiss on her lips. He almost groans at the feel of her tongue sweetly running along his bottom lip, but then he realizes that there are other people in the room. Reluctantly pulling back from the kiss, he rests his forehead against hers for a brief moment before setting her down. Scott opens his eyes to find four other girls gawking at the sight of him and Camille standing next to each other.

Scott licks his lips.

      "You're real?"

       "In flesh and blood," he says, with a hint of sass, not looking forward to dealing with these college girls. All he really wants to do is take Camille to bed and worship her.

       Another one speaks up, "Damn."

       Laughter bubbles up in his chest, but he suppresses it and throws Camille an amused glance instead. She meets his eyes, and his breath catches in his throat. He can't believe that he's with her right now. It feels like the planets aligned, and everything is right in the world. And the way that she's looking at him right now proves that she's thinking the same thing.

      "You're hot." Okay, now these girls are getting on his nerves, more so than before.

      Besides, he doesn't think there's anything too hot about him at the moment. He's in a pair of old sweatpants and a purple NYU sweatshirt that could really use a wash. Scott's hair is flat on his forehead, not styled in its usual manner. He's pretty much ringless, somewhat pierce-less, and punk-less. What he is right now is tired, tall, and tranquil.

"C'mon, don't hit on the boyfriend," Camille jokes, breaking the silence, "Anyway, is it okay if we hang out some other time? I... yeah."

"Don't worry," one of them says with a wink. They all get up and gather their belongings before walking out of the dorm room with a cheerful goodbye. Scott really doesn't know how to feel about them, but that doesn't matter now. He's got Camille all to himself, and he's planning to make the best of it.

"Fuck, I missed you so much," Scott whispers, pressing Camille against the closest wall with his hips.

She gasps, "Don't you wanna eat first or something?"

"I want you," Scott says before dropping to his knees.

And even during the sensuous act, his heart never forget to beat for her, thumping out the words I love you, I love you, I love you.


bonus number 1 ;)

It got a little saucy, and it almost had nothing to do with Camille's friends' reactions to Scott, but I think this makes up for it.

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