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SCOTT HATES THE carnival. He hates the sounds, the dizzying rides, the people in his face, trying to get him to play some rigged game for a crappy prize. He just doesn't fit into the environment, and that's understandable in many cases because he's Scott Akers. The thing is, Camille West, one of the most important people in his life, absolutely adores the carnival with everything in her tiny being. She loves the smell of funnel cake and popcorn, and the lively chatter, and the enthusiasm that everyone never fails to give off. She says that she feels younger every time she goes, and Scott completely respects that.

But he is not necessarily happy when she still drags his ass to the carnival grounds, especially when he told her several times on the way that he'd rather punch himself in the face -- repeatedly -- than go to some kiddish event. So, Scott forces himself to ignore Camille and brood in silence as he follows her around. He happens to look very menacing with his arms crossed, lips tugged into a frown, and green eyes narrowed. His girlfriend just rolls her hazel eyes and says that he's the one acting like a child, and that he surely belongs here for having such an attitude.

"Cam," he finally says with a small sigh, dropping his demeanor, "I absolutely can't stand it here."

     "Scott," she starts, "Please? It only comes around once a year, and I want to be here with you and just have fun."

     He takes in her expression and caves in, saying, "Fine, but you owe me."

     "Anything you want."

He smirks, bad mood somehow already gone, "Anything?"

"You're so perverted, but yes, anything."

      "So, if I asked you to give me a blow—," Scott starts but backtracks when she turns to glare at him, "Kidding. Can't take a joke?"

"I can, but you're crude, not funny ," Camille retorts, still grabbing his ring-clad hand and pulling him along before he can respond with a comeback.

     Side by side, they walk towards the first ride of the evening. It's some weird contraption that circles them around in an area and goes up and down at the same time like they're on a wave. Thankfully, Scott doesn't feel sick and almost enjoys the ride. Almost. Afterwards, they head to the classic teacup ride that spins them in a circle as they spin in a larger circle. Camille excitedly asks to go on it again, but her boyfriend refuses to go on a second time and says that he'll watch from solid ground. After that, well, it just never stops, but he doesn't complain at all. Props to Scott, yeah?

But it's still hilarious to imagine. A punk guy with an annoyed expression, fists clenched, barely reacting as he sits on the rides that burst with color and laughter and screams. Of course, he's the odd one out.

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