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     SCOTT IS WEARING his father's old suit, which is slightly on the bigger side, but thankfully, it's not drowning his lean frame. Thinking back on it, the punk boy is pretty sure that his father wore this very same suit to a funeral when Scott was younger, but there's nothing he can do about it now. Also, the suit is itchy as hell, and it's takes every fiber in his body not to tear it apart and wear his normal attire of ripped jeans and loose tees. In fact, he also urges to run his fingers through his nothing-like-Scott-Akers and neatly gelled hairstyle to mess it up, and he wants roll up his sleeves to reveal his tattoos, and most of all, he does not want to wear this fucking suit. Other than that, he's completely fine.

     Well, he's never been to a wedding before.

Other than that, he's completely fine.

     "So," Camille says, her hazel eyes sweeping appreciatively over his fancy attire as they're both waiting for the ceremony to start, "you look, well, handsome as hell."

      "More so than usual?" Scott asks with a dashing smirk, and for a second, it's like his punk exterior doesn't even exist, and that he's just a normal, charming young man.

"I say one nice thing, and it goes to your head," Camille rolls her eyes, "Boys."

"Well, if it helps any, I think you look gorgeous as hell."

     She blushes, "Thank you, Scott."

      Oh my god, he's flirting with her again, and he honestly doesn't want to come off too strong. Except, she's flirting, too, right?

     However, it's not like he's telling a lie or anything because, in fact, Camille looks like the sun, and there's nothing else to describe her at this very moment. Her mahogany-colored hair, which is usually a mess of waves and slight frizz, skim the tops of her shoulders in smooth curls. It compliments her simple and natural makeup. Camille's hazel eyes, framed by long eyelashes, are radiant and warm -- just like the sun -- and never fails to catch Scott's attention. Her plump lips are a light shade of pink, which is barely noticeable unless closely looked at. Scott admittedly stared at her lips for a second too long.

     The real eye-catcher of tonight, however, is her dress. It reaches her mid-thigh, revealing her ever-so-long legs. The dress has small, gold flowers at the top, which fades into the nude-colored material. There's a golden bow right in the middle, finishing off the whole look. It's absolutely stunning on Camille, and Scott can't believe that he's in the presence of such an angel.

     "Goddamn," Scott mutters under his breath, taking in her appearance once again and praying that she didn't hear him say that. 

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