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bonus • 2

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bonus • 2

BEING TWENTY-FIVE IS, well, different for Scott Akers. He's obviously older, more matured, and less of a punk from his high school days. After all, he did graduate college, and he did manage to find to steady job to provide for himself and others. His undercut is still a thing, and he still has a piercing or two in place, but Scott grew out of the shitty-everyday ripped black jeans and black shirts and black shoes. By providing for himself, he's now more of a collared-shirt guy, but that's already in the job description, and actual colors, although still muted.

     The punk in him will never fully disappear, especially since Scott has a canvas of tattoos on his body as a solid reminder. And besides, he loves that side of him.

     Oh, and providing for others? Yeah, others meaning his girlfriend of six years (he actually managed to keep her around), as well as another addition to their family. That's right -- Camille is three months pregnant. The two of them really didn't plan on having a kid at the moment, but nevertheless, they're still extremely happy to have a little Scott or little Camille running around their apartment.

      The only problem is that Scott still needs to propose to Camille. Like mentioned before, he didn't really plan on having a kid before getting married, but when was the couple ever known for doing things in order?

     "Scott?" Camille's soft voice causes him to lift his head up from the pillow and look at her in the darkness of their room.

     "Craving something?"

      "Ice cream," she sheepishly says, "I'm sorry, baby. I know it's late."

He grins at her, even though he's not sure how well she can see it. Instead of responding, he dips his head down and kisses the slight bump on her stomach. Camille laughs and runs her fingers through his hair once before he gets up to retrieve the tub of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream and two spoons. It's a normal occurrence for Scott, so he doesn't mind waking up whenever to help Camille out. It's the least he can do while she carries his actual child.

They sit next to each other, taking turns to scoop ice cream out in a comfortable silence. Scott suddenly gets the urge to just say it, so he does. It's butchered, unprepared, and blunt, but it suits him.

"Marry me?"

Camille stills before smacking him in the chest. "You idiot!"


Then the waterworks begin, and Scott almost feels bad for laughing. "Scott, it's two in the morning, I'm three months pregnant, and I don't see a ring anywhere. What on earth are you thinking?"

He bites his lip to suppress a grin and then says, "So, is that a no?"

She smacks him again and exclaims, "Of course not! Just get me a ring or, like, a Ring Pop or something, and we'll seal the deal."

     "Anything for you, baby."


bonus number 2: scott proposes to camille (:

Ahahaha, anyway, yes, this book still exists. I haven't forgotten about the bonuses, but I've been super busy. Hope you don't mind!

I also have an idea for a "Punk Series." And Where It Began is the first installment. So, keep your eyes out for another book like this ;)

 So, keep your eyes out for another book like this ;)

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