(PruCan) Anime Dorks (Hetalia)

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Shipping: PruCan (Canada and Prussia)
Rating: G (some swearing)
Word count: 1275
Summary: Matthew and Gil studying hard and taking a break, going on Netflix, then Gil finding out about Matt's secret anime stash, then joining into the nerdiness

(Human!Hetalia AU)
Quiet filled the room. The only sound resonating inside the room was the soft breaths of the two boys, who sat quietly reading. It was so quiet, you could hear a needle drop among the floor.

Tomorrow, the two boys had a project due, and thought, 'hey they could get it done, no problem, I probably don't have to do anything' but, sadly enough, that was not the case. They were both doing research quietly, disappointed in themselves.

"U-Um, I-I-I never caught your name..." The quiet one spoke up.

"Ah, sorry I have a habit of doing that! My name is Gilbert, and I'm Prussian, for your information, NOT RUSSIAN! I'm also awesome. Now who're you?" He spoke with such a thick accent that sounded exactly like German, but it had another hint of something in it.

"O-Oh, my names Matthew Williams, And I'm Canadian, too. Pleasure to meet y-you.." The shy Canadian was a bit taken back by the Prussians big ego and loud presence.

Matthew looked Gilbert up and down, staring at him. The Prussian had platinum grey hair, almost white by the looks at it. It hung down his forehead messily, looking like he hadn't brushed it in a couple days. But it stuck with him, you know. He was so pale that the sun probably took one look at him and said 'Have we even ever met before?'. His lips were a pale pink color. And his eyes. Ooh man, those eyes is what really caught Matthew. They were so red with just the smallest specks of purple in them. They made the Canadian feel like he was in a hypnotic state, making him stare at Gilbert. And to add to everything his height is what surprised him. By the looks of it he was probably 6'2.

On the other hand, Gilbert took a notice to the Canadian sitting across from him. He had noticed him staring. He was trying to decide if he was staring at him because he looked weird or he was staring at him because he thought Gilbert looked nice. Either way, Gilbert felt uncomfortable with all the staring, and no remarks. He didn't say a word to him, like not a "why is your hair white?" Or "why do you look so weird?" It honestly kinda scared Gilbert.

Gil took the quick opportunity to look at his partner for this project. He was too, taken aback by his partner. He looked like he was taller than even him, which was surprising. He had kinda long hair, from the back he would probably look like a girl. He had a lean figure, skinny anywhere you looked. He was not as pale as Gil, but close. He had a strange curl at the top of his head, that stuck up, defying gravity. His face looked calm, too. His lips were a bright pink, but somehow, still pale. A small blush dusted over his cheeks, which gave way to the hardly visible freckles on his face. Long eyelashes complimented his strikingly purple eyes. If you stared at them long enough, you'd imagine a calm beach, the color of the sky right when the sun sets. A wonderful purple.

Both boys were kinda uncomfortable with all the staring that had been happening. One staring down the other while they pretended not to notice, and being stared at by the other person. The stares would send mixed feelings, like, 'hmm', 'nice', 'odd', 'cute'. It was a combination of feelings.

"U-Um, Gil...would you like to take a brake? W-We can watch a movie or s-something..." The Canadian couldn't really stop his stuttering. He wasn't used to too much human contact, or socialization. No one really talked to him. He spent his time in his room watching anime most of the time.

"Sure, uh, could we watch something else besides a movie...like a show or something? You know..."

"Of course, let me get on Netflix really quick..." The Canadian typed in his information for Netflix, being swift, not letting Gil see what it really was.

The category 'Recently Watched' popped up first, showing the Canadians guilty pleasure. As if the anime gods have reined down on Matthew, Gil could see everything.

Attack on Titan, Blue Exorcist, Fullmetal Alchemist, Soul eater, Fairy Tale, Black Butler, he'll, you name it and it'd probably be up there.

"Oh shit..." The Canadian blushed as Gil stared at him. He tried to scroll down to hide all the shows, but noooo. 'Top picks for Matthieu' popped up onto the screen.

"I'm sorry, Gil!" The Canadian would have yet another person hating him for what he liked and what he wasn't. He honestly didn't want that. I mean, who would?

"Holy shit, Matt..." Gil looked stunned, his mouth agape. Gil's eyes gleamed in the light as the eyed up Matthew. He certainly didn't even look like the type who'd watch anime.

"I know I'm lame."

Matt sighed as he got to the search bar and typed in 'Cats vs Dogs'. Gil snorted and smiled happily. Out of all the movies he'd have to pick.

"Matt, I really didn't know you were the type to watch anime. Matt.."





An inhuman screech came from Matthew as he threw down the remote on the floor, smashing it into small tiny bits. Heavy breathing came from Matthew as he tensed up.

They talked about all the anime they'd watched before. They spoke to each other for hours, talking about who their favorite character was, least favorite character was, the 'why'd you have to die? You were innocent' character was, and their favorite ships, of course.

Matthew was so happy to have someone to talk to about the dorky things he liked, and to show someone all the fan fiction he'd written about just to characters. He was so carried away with joy that before they knew it, it was 3 AM in the morning. They weren't even tired to be honest. They just kept talking, screaming, the occasional sob as well.

Once Matt finally got so happy talking about his favorite character he grabbed Gil's shirt in a fist and kissed him roughly on the lips, then threw him down on the ground. Matt contained talking until he finally realized what he'd done, which took a few minutes by the most.

He muttered something and hid his face, continually repeating 'I'm sorry' over and over again. Gil took a fistful of Matthew's hair, causing him to squeak, and pulled him in for the kiss that Matt had just given him. It lasted for a couple seconds, which felt way to short for both of them, not to hard or to rough, just, a kiss.

They spent a while just kissing each other, so happy that the fact they shared the same dorky obsession. After another hour, they started to get hungry. They both walked to the kitchen, raiding the place for any food that Matt's kitchen provided them.

They ended up eating salsa, and drinking Diet Coke. Both of the dorks started watching Cats vs Dogs and kissed occasionally whispering 'I love you' to the other. Gil found it so funny of how entranced Matt seemed by the movie.

It was truly love at first sight for them...

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