(TsukkiYama) Starry Night (Haikyuu!!)

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Pairing: TsukkiYama (Tsukishima and Yamaguchi my smol babies)
Rating: G
Word count: 1131
Summary: Yams being a huge nerd about constellations, wanting to learn more than having Tsukki take him outside on a nice night and teach him about the constellations of the sky

"Tsukki, where are we going!?" Yamaguchi complained.

Tsukishima sighed at the freckled boy, and stared at him. There was a small blush that formed from anger dusting his cheeks. He had his cheeks puffed out and he pouted like a child.

"Be quiet for a few more minutes..."

Finally, they reached there destination, which was a huge field, stretching out for miles at the most.

"Go sit your butt on the grass and wait for me, okay?" Tsukki said as he heard a sigh come from Yamaguchi, obviously bored, and wanting answers. But, Yams did as he was told.

Tsukki took a blanket out of the trunk of the car, and placed it down by Yams, who sat down on it, quickly. Tsukki retreated back to the car and brought out a book bag, which was filled with a couple more blankets and a few snacks.

After they got settled with all the blankets and pillows put down, snack evenly split up between them, Yams faces Tsukki.

"What even is this, Tsukki?" Yams sighed as he scratched his head.

"I wanted to show you all the constellations. I know you find them interesting because all those doodles in your notebook with drawings of the constellations tell me other wise." Tsukishima stated.

"How did you...Nevermind...but, do you like constellations along with the the stars and the moon, Tsukki?" Yams giggled, obviously excited about getting help naming constellations for the first time.

"Yeah I love the stars more than constellations, though. I love how each star is said to be a planet, from the far away galaxies. The stars could be secretly bigger than Jupiter and Saturn combined..." Tsukishima went on about the stars while Yams listened intently, obviously interested in the current topic.

Once Tsukishima was finished rambling about on the stars, he asked what interested him the most in the sky, wether it be the sun, moon, stars, or constellations.

"I was always fond of the moon myself. It's just so beautiful...I love how it looks to be grey, but shines down a blue sometimes. Or that, we just call the moon 'moon' while other planets call their moons names, like 'Phobos' and 'Deimos'. I always wondered how our moon has little swoops in it.." Yams rambled on as well.

The two boys spent hours talking about the night sky, telling about what planets are their favorites, and what they most have questions on. They rambled and rambled on and on, until they decided to get drinks out of the car because their throats gave out.

"Now, I can tell you what constellations are in the sky, listen carefully, okay Yams? It's a lot to take in." Yamaguchi was so excited began he finally had gotten a mentor for his strange addiction. But he was happy also because Tsukki never usually called him 'Yams' before.

"Okay...right there is the Big Dipper. The most common probably out of all the constellations possible...There are seven stars and they intersect through the Ursa Major, which depicts a bear. Do you want me to name the stars inside the Big Dipper?" Yams was already writing this down inside his notebook. Yams was surprised of how much Tsukki knew, yet he said 'I'm not interested in constellations before'.

Yams nodded hastily, obviously wanting him to continue the discussion.

"Okay, well that star right there..." He pointed to the top star, the beginning point in the star. "That's called Alkaid, then right there is Mizar, then Alioth, Next Megrez. And to the left is Phad, then Merak, and then the last one is Dubhe." Tsukki looked at Yams, who was scribbling a diagram of the Big Dipper along with all the names of the constellations on them.

They did this repeatedly with other constellations, such as Taurus, Pegasus, and other important ones.

Yams was finally worn out after a while of writing notes and collapsed on the ground behind him, sighing happily, yet tiredly.

"Hey, Tsukki, you know what my favorite constellation is?" Yams giggled at his own joke he currently made up.


"Bootes..." Yams began to fall down in a burst of laughter, which was filled with giggles and lots of snorting involved in with it.

Tsukishima snickered as he say how happy Yams looked. He didn't look nervous and insecure like earlier, but he looked in bliss. He was smiling, that blush never leaving his cheeks.

They told jokes, wrote more about constellations showed them in the sky, before they were both tried. Once they got settled on the pillows which they layer their heads on the stared inside each other's eyes.

Tsukki's eyes were filled with curiosity, wanting to know more about the stranger that lay in front of him. He learned so much more things that he'd never learned before, and now he was wanting to learn even more knowledge.

On the other hand Yamaguchi's eyes were filled with a flame of happiness. Of pure bliss. The flame had never gone out since the two had gotten here. The flame neither dim, nor light brighter than before, always the same.

Tsukki snickered lightly at Yamaguchi who poured once he noticed he was snickering at him.


"Your freckles."

Tsukki smiled while Yamaguchi frowned and turned the other way, clearly becoming sensitive about the topic. Tsukki tilted his head as he looked at Yams questionably.

Yams felt tears welt up in his eyes, he was always so sensitive about his freckles and he never knew why. Maybe it was the fact that he was made fun of them in middle school, then bullied in high school, too. He hated his freckles because they never matched his face, they weren't what he wanted. He always put concealer over them, but to no avail, they wouldn't cover up.

"Your freckles are beautiful. They remind me of all the stars in the clear night. It looks like angels have kissed you each so delicately on the cheek when you were younger. They remind me of the constellations, Like the Ursa Major, and Taurus that are wonderful." Yams faced Tsukki, tears streaming down his face.

Tsukishima traced his finger over the small freckles drawing, what felt like to Virgo constellation, on his cheek. Tsukishima wiped away the tears from Yams' face and kissed him in the cheek.

"Each kiss for each freckle, you better lay down, this may take a while..."

They both giggled and smiled happily. They had finally found who they were meant to be with.

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