Melidoas and Ban (Seven Deadly Sins)

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Paring: Meliodas and Ban
Rating: Pure Smut
Word count: 1263
Summary: They both get extremely drunk and do the sex

It was another normal day at the bar, no one around. Today everyone was having a day of chill. King went out with Diane, while Elizabeth went with them. Gowther was reading books by a river far away. And Meliodas and Ban. What were they doing?

They were getting drunk at the bar. We all know that Ban is a heavy drinker, but Meliodas, man. He was probably 10 times intoxicated than Ban. He couldn't think straight. But then again, he wasn't straight at all.

Recently he realized this when he reunited with Ban. And well Ban felt the same. They would get into heated kisses once and a while, but it never escalated too far down. They left hickeys, but nothing more.

Until Today.

"Hey, Captain! Get me more ale!" Ban announced from his seat on the bar stool.

"Okay..." Meliodas sighed and took another bottle from the cabinet and poured out its contains inside Ban's mug. Meliodas took out another bottle of heavy liquor and poured it in a cup, and mixed it with some red wine.

He was determined to get wasted tonight. No matter what the conditions.

Meliodas threw down his glass, while Ban watched in amusement. The Captain put down his mug and giggled a bit. Meliodas took out another bottle and poured it out along with some more wine.

Again, he drank that until he literally stumbled to get closer to Ban. He was already intoxicated, while Ban was only partially drunk. Of course, Ban could handle his alcohol well, while the captain on the other hand, could get drunk from only two shots.

Meliodas' body was like a child's, therefore he could only handle a small amount of alcohol, while Ban had the body of a 23 year old, so he could freely drink about 5 beers before getting the slightest bit drunk.

"Hey, Ban~" Meliodas slurred his words lazily as he threw Ban to the ground, making the wooden floor crack under him. Well, that would be only $300 from Meliodas' wallet.

Meliodas giggled as Ban smirked evily, not knowing his plan at all. Which was a good thing, of course.

Ban flipped there positions so that he was atop Meliodas now. Meliodas didn't even struggle a bit, he liked it better when he was the more submissive of the two. It maybe was a kink of his?

Ban pinned down Meliodas' wrists to the point they'd leave bruises, but he really didn't care. He liked it hard. He liked it even more when Ban was exceptionally rough on him. Ban straddled him roughly, and grinded himself onto the Captain.

Meliodas bit his lip a bit to hold back the moans, but the pleasure was overwhelming, making him mewl quietly. To bad his childish body was sensitive.

Ban ripped off Meliodas' shirt and threw it in the corner, along with his own absolutely wonderful jacket. When ever his jacket was ripped or something, he somehow always obtained another.

Ruby eyes meet meadow green eyes, swirling together. They moved their faces closer until the gap between their lips disappeared. They kissed passionately until Ban bit down on Meliodas' lip, making him take a sharp intake of breath. Ban took this opportunity to shove his tongue in the boy's mouth.

Meliodas melted into the kiss, and fell limp, allowing Ban to use him. He loved the lust side of Ban. It was so dominating, so pleasurable, so greedy.

Ban kissed down his collarbone, leaving more marks than ever. He continued leaving marks until he found one of those special soft spots that sent the Captain shivering in pleasure. He lightly nipped at it, abusing it, really.

"These fangs aren't just for show, ya hear, Capt'n~" Ban cooed on him neck, making him shutter.

Suddenly, Ban sunk his fangs into his neck, which sent Meliodas into a pleasurable and painful bliss state that he didn't want to snap out of. Ban dug his teeth deeper into his flesh, trying to avoid literally sucking his blood. He'd tasted his own enough as it is.

Meliodas tried to hold back, but failed miserably. He moaned loudly as he withered under Ban, falling apart. He found it dirty that he was enjoying himself and getting off the the pain that Ban was giving. But Meliodas didn't care, he accepted it happily.

"B-Ban, hurry u-up, we don't have t-too long 'till the others get here.." He complained, but he was right. They didn't have all the time in the world.

"Ugh, fine..." Ban trailed down and threw off Meliodas' pants along with his boxers. He did the same thing to himself, taking off his horrendous leather pants along with his boxers to match.

"Jesus fuck, Captain. For being in a body of a 14 year old at the age of 3000 or something, your big."

"Don't even get me prepared, just fuck me like you mean it." Meliodas pushed Ban off and got on all fours.

"Okay, but don't blame me if you can't walk tomorrow, Capt'n~" Ban whispered in Meliodas' ear gently before he practically slammed himself inside him.

Meliodas let out a loud groan until Ban really started going. He kept thrusting harder than the last time, hitting his prostate violently, abusing it.

Meliodas couldn't even support his weight because the pleasure was so great. He fell to the side of his face while Ban used his hips to hold him up.

Ban asked Meliodas if he was okay, and he got a very slurred yes. The only noises filling the air were the slapping of skin and the loud moans coming out of Meliodas. The pleasure was so overwhelming. He'd never felt anything like this before, Ban was truly the right pick.

The strength of that man, those abs, his tattoo. The horrible clothing that he wore leverywhere, not caring who saw him. His butt, hair, personality, there was a lot of things. But his dick. Jesus Christ, that thing was giant.

Ban scratched up Meliodas' hips, leaving them with bloody scrapes all along his hips. Meliodas was just eating up the pleasure that Ban was giving to him, along with the pain.

Ban leaned over to the currently-in-bliss-state Meliodas and bit his neck again, making it drip blood down to the floorboards. He continued biting Meliodas' neck until he hardly had any flesh that wasn't damaged left.

Meliodas suddenly began to shake violently, trying to muster out words, but them coming out indecisive, slurred and moans mixed along with them. Ban took the hint, and came, waiting for the captain next.

After a little while of pounding, Meliodas came as well. He collapsed and breathed heavily. The captain threw on his clothes lazily and didn't even care about all the blood coming from his hips and neck.

They eventually cleaned the crime scene up. The blood obviously stained the floor, and they'd have some explained to do. Along with Meliodas' neck. And hips. And the fact that he can hardly walk. And his clothes.


Soon, the sins came back to the Boars Hat, only to find blood covering the floor. The found the captain with bloodied bite marks across his neck and they were shocked. They didn't know Ban caused it until they saw his fangs, which had a slight bit of red on them.

They also noticed the captains trouble with walking, which was him limping or literally getting carried by Ban around.

Needless to say, they caught the hint.

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