(KageHina) Wow... (Haikyuu!!)

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Pairing: Kagehina (Kageyama and Hinata)
Rating: R (NORMAL AT FIRST BUT THAN MAJOR SMUT! Also bottom!Kageyama)
Word count: 3078 (this is gonna be longer than the rest)
Summary: Kageyama meets Hinata about three or two years later in university in a cafè. Surprisingly enough, Hinata has a tongue piercing, and eyebrow piercing and a couple piercings on the sides of his ear. Once they spend enough time with each other, they decide to confess their feeling, then that leads to Hinata giving Kageyama a blowjob.

Warm summer air filled the atmosphere at Kageyama's dorm. The loneliness was starting to eat away at him. His friend had gone out for the day, buying groceries, clothes, and other things to keep the dorm in tact.

Kageyama was all done with his stack of homework, which each teacher gave him at least two sheets of. It was complete hell. He came to university hoping to become a gym teacher, or a mentor for volleyball, but it was not going well for him. His grades weren't looking to hot, either. The only thing that was really lifting his spirit up was Suga. He'd keep telling him everyday never to give up his hopes and follow his dreams. But even that was hard for Kageyama.

Everything changed once they left high school. It turned out that Kageyama was going into a different university than Hinata. He thought it'd be fun, going away from Hinata...but, It wasn't. He was lonelier than ever without Hinata.

Whenever they played volleyball in gym, he'd want to be the setter, but every time he set the ball, no one was there to spike it, always like Hinata did. He didn't have anyone to yell at him for going the wrong way across the huge campus on university grounds. He didn't even have a person to laugh and talk to all day long.

The first couple of weeks were a complete hell to him. He wanted to get out as soon as he started getting bad grades, but none the less, Suga always scolded him, much like a mother would do to their children. Suga knew at one point, his scolded would just drive Kageyama away.

Kageyama sighed as he picked up a ball and threw it on the wall of his small, messy dorm room. It hit the wall and he caught it, and that's how he spent an hour of doing completely nothing. He was thirsty and bored, so he said, 'hey I need coffee and I wanna be alone at the park. Whew!'

Kageyama made his way out of the dorm, leaving a note just in case his dorm buddy would have gotten back before him. He walked out of the building, walking out of campus grounds. He made his way to a small coffee shop on the side of the sidewalk, by the park.

He walked inside the cafè and looked at their menu. Kags needed something that would keep him awake, since he was getting tired already. He walked up into the line with many people and chose what he wanted.

"Uh... I'll just take once Ice mocha latte, please." He said.

"Of course, your total will be $4.50 today..." The man at the counter perked up and flashed a big grin at Kageyama, who tried awkwardly to smile back, which failed ultimately.

After he paid and got his coffee, he decided to sit by a seat by the door, which had a  huge window which caught Kageyama's eyes. Kageyama watched people pass the cafè and walk inside, recognizing no one. Once he got bored enough, he took out his phone and played on it, occasionally taking sips of his coffee in the process.

The bell chimed again, signaling someone came inside the cafè, but Kageyama honestly didn't care anymore, he was too busy scrolling through his tumblr to notice anyone.

"Hello! Can I please just get a Cafe Mocha with whip cream on it?" The voice sounded somewhat familiar to Kags as he heard him chime in.

Kags tore his vision away from his phone, too see a orange fluff. He looked closer, to find out that was the boys hair. Kags tilted his head trying to get a good view of the person who looked like Hinata from the back from Kags.

Anime Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें