(TsukkiYama) Lightning Bugs (Haikyuu!!)

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Shipping: TsukkiYama (Tsukishima and Yamaguchi)
Rating: G
Word count: 720
Summary: Yamaguchi being obsessed with Lightning bugs from a young age and collecting them then Tsukki is like 'he's so cute omg' and just kissing and loving each other

Light bounced off the small walls of the room, illuminating the desk. The small light source came from inside a jar. A small creature roamed inside of the jar, it's light flicking on and off continually.
Suddenly, the door swung open, a boy rushed inside the room, demanding his friend to get in the room immediately.

"Tsukki! Get the jar open, the Lightning bugs are tickling my hands!" He giggled happily.

The man named 'Tsukki' stepped inside the room, looking quite annoyed and frustrated with the boy. He walked to the desk, picked up the jar, and opened the lid, cautious not to let the previous lightning bug out to let it roam and fly around the house.

The boy carefully placed the lightning bugs into the jar, watching them adjust to their new climate. Some tried to escape through the small holes at the top, to make sure they could breathe, but to no avail, the holes were too small for even them.

"Yamaguchi, I don't even see the purpose of keeping these poor creatures bottled inside a jar for the rest of their pitiful lives, I mean, seriously?" The blonde boy spoke up.

"I gave them leaves, and they're just so pretty and fun to watch! Can we just keep them 'till tomorrow, please?" Yamaguchi pouted a bit.

"Fine, but let them go in the morning. If they die, it's not my problem."

"I promise they won't die!" The freckled boy stared at the Lightning bugs through the sealed jar. The light lit up his face in the dark, showing his enthusiasm for the small creatures.

He had almost blackish dull green hair. A small piece of hair stood atop his head, defying gravity it seems. He had large brown eyes, that went well with his eyelashes. Freckles covered his face up and down. He was very tall, probably around 5' 10 (he's actually 5' 10.5 shhhh) And pale lips, to match his appearance overall.

He always seemed to make the other man blush. The other man, who was actually was named Tsukishima, instead of 'Tsukki', smiled as he saw Yamaguchi, amazed and bewildered by the small creatures who provided wonderful lights at night.

Tsukishima was really tall, actually only a few inches taller than Yamaguchi. He was probably around 6' or maybe 6' 1. He had messy blonde hair, which looked nice on him. It framed his pale face, which was clear of any freckles at all. He had beautiful amber eyes. And also pale lips to top off his appearance.

Yamaguchi didn't even notice Tsukishima staring at him because he was to entranced with the Lightning bugs to notice him. Yamaguchi had always loved Lightning bugs since a young age. He loved how they lit up the sky, fluttering around in random patterns. He loved how they were silent and didn't make any noise, their voice remaining a secret to everyone, even themselves. Yamaguchi found them just simply wonderful.

Yamaguchi stood up to face Tsukishima, and did something unexpected. He hugged him. He whispered a few things into Tsukki's neck that he couldn't quite understand, it all just sounding like mumbling to him.

"Thank you for being my friend when no one else would, Tsukki. Thank you for standing up for me when we were younger. Thank you for protecting me with such care, never forgetting my birthday, always asking me how I'm doing. Thank you for saving me from my old pitiful life, saving me for all those times I was struggling, when I was dealing with depression. Thank you, Tsukishima..."

Yamaguchi had tears streaming down his freckled cheeks, but was still smiling happily, showing how much he really loved him. Tsukki wiped away the tears streaming down Yamaguchi's face and kissed him on the forehead, then the cheek, then the lips.

"You're strong, beautiful, and a joy to be around. It's not me who you should be thanking, it's yourself. Don't think ever think you're horrible, okay? I love you."

"I love you too, Tsukki!" He replied with a sweet, loving smile on his face

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