Chapter eleven

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*Claire’s P.O.V*

Where the hell am I? I looked around in the dark, in closed space. I pushed the door open and I saw a sleeping Sophia.

“What in the world?” I mumbled.

I looked at myself in her mirror, and the events of last night suddenly came back to me. I can only remember going to the club though, I don’t remember coming back to Soph’s. I have a seriously bad headache, which is a little strange.

“Claire…” Sophia mumbled, from her bed.

“Soph, what’s going on?” I asked.

“You don’t remember, do you?” She sighed.

“No… Please explain?” I asked.

“Claire, you got drunk. Well, Blake got you drunk” She sighed again.

“What? No, that can’t be right…”  I said gobsmacked.

“But that’s it Claire! That’s exactly what it is! He made you drunk and vulnerable, and god knows what he did to you at the club” She screamed.

“What is your problem with him!? What did he ever do to you?” I asked her, a bit taken back.

“He is sketchy, he got you drunk and he used you” She replied sternly.

“I should probably just go” I said, grabbing my purse and heading down the stairs.

*Sophia’s P.O.V*

I don’t care; she can believe what she wants to. I grabbed out my laptop and logged on to my Facebook account. A message from Kian instantly popped up.

KIAN: Hey beautiful!

SOPHIA: Hey baby!   

KIAN: How are you?

SOPHIA: I don’t know how are you?

KIAN: What’s wrong babe?

SOPHIA: Um, just drama with the girls.

KIAN: Do you wanna talk about it?

SOPHIA: Nah, im fine babe. I actually have to go, but I will talk to you later <3

KIAN: Do you want me to come over? We can hang out <33

SOPHIA: it’s okay, don’t worry. I’m fine.

KIAN: no. you’re not fine beautiful.

SOPHIA: KIAN! I am fine.


I scrolled through my newsfeed, typical Saturday afternoon. I went through an album that was put up late last night. Some of my friends went to the club. Oh my god! Is that Claire? What the hell was she doing at the club?

I looked at the next photo, and I saw her taking shots. I kept going through the photos, and one of Blake touching her ass came up. BLAKE! I should have known. It all makes perfect sense; Sophia was right when she told me that he would use her. He obviously got her waisted so he could take advantage of her.  

I immediately grabbed out my phone and dialled Claire’s number.

“Hello?” She answered.

“What were you thinking?” I snapped.

“What do you mean?” She asked, confused.

“Getting drunk last night! Ring any bells?” I yelled into the phone.

“Who cares? It’s my life, im living it the way I want” She snapped.

“Alright then, sorry for being worried” I said, my voice indicating that I was clearly pissed off.

With that, she hung up on me. I can’t believe she actually got drunk. She told us she would never drink under any circumstances, when she did she told us she hated the way it tastes. And mind you, she was wearing practically a cloth. That shit covered nothing.

She’s just turning into one of those girls, the attention seeking ones that have no self-respect. She is definitely not the girl that I considered my best friend. What happened to her? What happened to her unique style? Why is she wearing such hipster style clothes now?


I spoke to Soph on Facebook about 10 minutes ago. She was so upset about something that happened with her friends. My beautiful girl is so stressed, so after hearing how she was feeling I decided to take her some chocolates. I promised Soph I would be there for her. I promised I would protect her. I don’t care how much she pushes me away, she’s not okay and I need to be there for her. I grabbed my penny and started riding to the shops.


I just finished in the shops and I bought Soph some chocolates and a tub of cookies and cream ice-cream; her favourite. I jumped back on my white penny board and skated to Soph’s house.


I was relaxing out the back beside the pool. When I heard the doorbell *ding ding* I put my sarong over the top of my bikini and went to answer the door. I opened the door to find Kian standing there with a plastic bag in his hand.

“Babe, what are you doing here?” I asked in shock.

“Just visiting you, trying to make your day better, like a good boyfriend should” He replied kissing me on the cheek.

“Come in” I told him.

I led Kian to my back-yard where the pool is.

“Babe, what’s going on?” he asked, while taking a seat on the deck chair.

“Kian, really it’s nothing” I told him.

“I can tell your upset. Babe please don’t shut me out.” He replied

“I got into a massive fight with Claire” I said upset.

“Aw. Baby, what happened?” he asked.

I told Kian everything that happened yesterday. I told him about Blake and what he did to Claire and how Claire came to my house late last night drunk off her face. I also told him how Claire isn’t talking to me anymore, and I told him about the photo’s Lillie told me about. Kian was amazing, he sat there and listened to me explain everything. He could tell I was distraught and really upset.

“Babe, I went down to the store and bought you some chocolate and your favourite ice-cream” he told me.

“Cookies and cream?!?” I replied, with a massive smile on my face.

“Yes beautiful, cookies and cream” he responded.

Kian stood in front of me where I was sitting and grabbed me around the waist. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso while he held me. He looked up at me and kissed me.

“Your my beautiful princess, I just wanted to tell you that I would never treat you how Blake is treating Claire. I will protect you because your mine and I love you” he told me.

“I love you too” I replied kissing him on the lips.

And right there in that moment I knew.

I knew he was the one.

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