Happiness & Love

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Henry: as i walk in the door i see my future wife playing with isabella she looked so happy they both were laughing when they heard me walk in char came up to me with isabella and kissed me and handed me isabella 

charlotte: you were gone so long i thought you were with a friend 

me: no just with my mom 

charlotte: oh is everything ok ?

me : follow me 

me and char walked to the living room and i put isabella down and she played with her toy char treid to sit down but i stopped her 

charlotte: henry what's wrong you won't even let me sit down

me: you need to stand for this 

charlotte: ok 

me: charlotte you know i love you right

charlotte: yes i do

me: well through all the girls i've dated i've never loved anyone more than you. you are so smart and kind and beautiful you love me even when i mess up you love me no matter how i look and you've supported me through everything.  and i love you so much for that im grateful to have you your worth fighting for and i don't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else but you and our daughter i didn't get to ask you dad this question but i know he would've said yes  * got down on one knee* *pulled out the ring* so Riele West Downs aka Charlotte Bolton will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me ?

Charlotte: *crying* yes 

she held out her hand and i got up and put the ring on her finger she smiled and laughed i picked her up and spun her around. i put her down and gave her a passionate kiss. we hugged and we held isabella and hugged isabella just giggled at us and we laughed.

I'm glad i get to marry the love of my life.


hey guys thanks for reading and loving my stories so far this has been requested literally 5 minutes after i posted the second one ! thank you for that !!!!! we're preparing for a wedding chenry lovers !!!! ALL THE CHARACTERS in my last book comment below who you where and if you didn't have a character let me know in the comments and ill make you one ! thanks you guys love you all and can't wait to hear from you !!!


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