I might be to late !?

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Henry's POV: the man vanshied and I had to find that key to help char ok so I start searching in every single portrait I could find and I found it. after like 200 posters the montor cut back on and the guy was there.

Mysterious Man: hello henry congrats I see you found the key it took you forever though I see


Mysterious Man: You have to try that key out on every singe door in this house the one that clicks is where your wife is.

me: you've got to be kidding me LET ME SEE HER

Mysterious Man: as you wish

he moved aside and char was tied up on a table now and she was knocked out I saw like 15 needles that were empty *damn he drugged her* ok I gotta start looking I was about to turn away when she started waking up she turned and he lifed up the table

Mysterious Man: well look who woke up

char: what do you want from me

Mysterious Man: you know what I want and I wont rest intel I get it !

char started crying and screaming when he turned away to get another needle

Mysterious Man: look your husband is here to see you

char: *still crying* he-nry ple-ase sa-ve m-e


char just started crying when I saw he put the needle in her arm again and she stopped crying in like 30 seconds

Mysterious Man: Henry I would hurry up because only 7 more neddles intell char is dead and so is your baby

I run and try every single door he laughs and the montor shuts off

*20 minutes later*

I heard a click I opened it and char was laying their and I could see tear stains on her cheeks I kiss her head and look at our baby I put my face to her stomach and I hear a heart beat * phew* ok ok ... I count the neddles and their was 17 used I started to tear up.. seeing my baby getting druged.

the mysterious man was standing in the cornor

Mysterious Man: about time she's down to 1 left and that's right here when she wakes up this time that will be the last time you see her

I ran to him and smack him he fell to the floor and I stomped on the neddle and I banged his head against the floor till I saw blood I turned him around and grabbed a gun that was in the drawer and shot him 3 times. I was bloddy and I ran back to char and untied her

she started waking up

me: baby baby are you ok ?!

char: he-ny

me: ok baby I know your druged lets get out of here

char: I-m so-rry I did-nt beli-ve y-ou

me: it's ok baby lets just start taking care of you

char:: o-k

I picked her up and ran out I stapped her in and rushed her to the hospital

hopefully I wasn't too late I cant lose my baby


Hey guys ! how ya doing ?! well I hope you liked this chapter all I can say is wow ! but tell me what you think thank you for all you guys do I love all your comments and sweet messages to me you make what I do REALLY worth it!!!! and I just cheaked my last book we hare up to 2.6 thousand people read it and love it ! that's absouelty crazy !!! thank you guys you all are so amazing!! lets get this second book even higher ! thank you again and let me know what you think ;) like always I love you guys


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