Unexpected New Guest

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Henry's Pov: it was a pretty summer morning char was out in the sun enjoying herself and teaching Isabella how to do what she's doing *it was actually pretty cute* girly things I was with my son doing manly things like teach him how to talk *work in progress* but we heard a knock on our door.

char: did u invite anyone over ?

me: no did you ?

char: no 

char got her cover up and covered herself she took the kids to Isabella's room

char: Isabella sweetheart

Isabella: yes mom 

Char: please stay in you're room with Jackson here...... keep him quiet ok play with him and act like everything is ok. 

Isabella: is everything ok ?

Char: we don't know but i will be right back lock the door behind me 

Isabella: ok 

i left and went back to Henry

me: ok  

Henry opens the door and their was a creepy guy he was breathing pretty hard and he was dripping blood

Char: OMG are u ok ?!

guy: yes i'm fine may i come in 

me : yeah yeah sure 

guy: thank u so much 

me : no problem 

char got the chair out and he sat down 

guy: u have a beautiful home 

me: thank u 

me: so why are you here what happened 

guy: i was running from a bad guy he cut up arm pretty bad and i managed to escape i needed to rest so i found this house 

char: oh goodness do u need to go to a hospital ?

guy: maybe i dont know im just scared he is going to come and get me again

char: ok well you getting better is important right now 

guy: thank u mi'lady


guy: ok thank u again sorry i didnt catch you're name 

char: charlotte

guy: well thanks for you're help charlotte

i pushed the guy out of my house and put him the car and drove off 

me: hey dude just to let you know that's my wife 

guy: well she is really pretty 

me: i know i married her ! so hey kinda just forget about us ok 

guy: yeah yeah no problem 

we got to the hospital and i helped him all the way till the nurse came and took him away 

i left and slammed the door i was so pissed he was flirting with my wife how dare he i got home and char and isabella were tanning and Jackson was on char 

me: hey guys hey Isabella can u take Jackson in you're room for a second please

Isabella: yeah 

she couldnt hold Jackson byherself so i helped her to her room and came back out

me: char what is wrong with you

char: come again

me: u flirting with that guy 

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