1 Year later ....

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Henry's Pov: today is Char's 28th birthday she doesn't like to celebrate it because it makes her feel old.. whatever but I'm going to do something for her tonight. Isabella is now 2 years old and such a doll she loves to sing and dance and play with her baby brother Jackson. Jackson is 9 months not quite a year yet but almost he is starting to be more active u know roll crawl and kinda talk in a way *we don't understand* but we love him anyway and it took Isabella a couple of weeks to say a sentence yet alone a whole word. but me and char are not rushing it.  

     I walk into our room while the kids are still sleeping and char is asleep i go to her side and whisper

me: good morning birthday girl

char rolls over 

me: come on baby wake up it's you're birthday 

char: ugh no i dont celebrate it... don't remind me that makes me feel old 

me: awe please you're not even on the old mark. 

char laughs a little 

i pick her up 

char: hey i was sleeping 

me: yeah yeah it's you're birthday and we're gonna have fun today 

i put char down in her char and she ate waffles with whipp cream that spelled out happy birthday she laughed and ate them when we heard crying 

me: i got it 

i walked into Isabella's room and she smiled

Isabella: daddy !

me: hi baby 

i picked her up and took her to her bathroom 

me: ok show me how you brush you're teeth 

Isabella smiled and showed me and blew in my face so i knew we weren't missing any areas and she was all good she ran to her room and went in her closet. she found a white shirt that says im cute now deal with it and a turquoise skirt she showed it off to me

me: i love it !

she giggled 

Isabella: where's mommy ?

me: in the kitchen do you want to give her you're present now or save it for later

Isabella: now !

me: ok 

char was cleaning her plate when Isabella ran in

Isabella: MOMMY !

char smiled and picked her up 

char: awe good morning baby girl you look so cute 

isabella smiled : happy birthday mommy

char: awe ! thank u baby 

she put her down and Isabella took out her present 

char: awe for me 

Isabella nodded and gave it to char she opened it and it was picture of her char Jackson and me and it said best family ever ! 

she almost teared up she kissed Isabella's head 

char: it's beautiful 

me: now time for my gift 

char: oh my goodness

i got on one knee and gave her a box

inside the box was note and a necklace the note said 

"you are such an amazing wife mother and best friend i love you and will continue to love you for the rest of my life i love you Charlotte and im so happy to call u mine"

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