Hello Baby Jackson !

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Henry's POV: we were in the car and char started having contractions

char: ughhhh it hurts

me: I know baby just breath, well be there shortly

it takes 20 minutes which felt like hours her contrations are like about 5 mintues apart which is good there spacy when we got there char had a contration

char: ow ow ow *small breaths*

I got a wheelchair and pushed her inside we got in our room and she leaned on the bed

char: ughhhhhh I hate this *Breaths*

me: me too but its apart of the process

char : ughhh

char got into her gown and laid in bed she rolled around felling the contractions squeezing my hand it felt like she was breaking it. it hurt me to see her hurting but it's apart of the process. it was over and my paretns walked in

Mrs. Hart: hey char hey honey how are you guys

char: good just feeling it

Mrs. Hart: I know but it's all worth it in the end

char: I hope so

she kissed char's head and gave me a hug

me: hey mom

Mrs. Hart: hey honey how are you

me: hurting

Mrs. Hart: what?

me: it hurts me to see char in pain

she smiled and kissed my forehead

Mrs. Hart: I know but this is all the process all you can do is confort her, how's my Isabella ?!

me: she's good she's been sleeping since we got here like 20 minutes ago so

Mrs. Hart : good

she walked over and picked her up she started waking up

Mrs. Hart: Hey baby Isabella how are you

she smiled and hugged her

Mrs Hart: awe... you wanna hang out with grandma for the weekend

she smiled and hugged her again.. I kissed Isabella

me: isbella do not give grandma any trouble ok show her all the stuff you learned ok !

Isabella smiled and kissed my nose

I smiled and gave her a hug I got her from my mom and gave her to char

char: hey baby mommy is gonna be home soon with your brother so you behave ok

Isabella looked concern and kissed char's nose char smiled and kissed her nose

char: I love you baby girl

she smiled and hugged char she reached for my mom and she picked her up and grabbed her bag

Mrs. Hart: let us know how you're doing and if you need anything ok ?

me: ok mom we will thanks for watching her

Mrs. Hart: no problem

she gave us air kisses and walked out with Isabella I walked to char and kissed her hand

she smiled and we kissed she let go for another contraction

char: ughhh owww..

I held her hand and tried to comfort her when it was over she took a deep breath

Mr & Mrs. Hart !?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt