Still Confused ?!

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Char's pov: it's been 2 hours and Henry still haven't woke up yet and it's concerning me the kids woke up 

Isabella: mommy 

i lifted my head up 

me: yes baby 

Isabella: i'm hungry 

me: OK can u be a big girl and put on your shoes so we can go 

Isabella: yeah 

she put on her shoes and i let go of Henry's hand... I had tears in my eyes seeing how still he looks.... i turn my head and get Jackson from the couch he was still sleeping so he slept on my shoulder when we were about to leave i turned around and let out a tear and walked out... we got to the car and Isabella hoped in her car seat and strapped her seat belt on. i put Jackson in his car seat and he was smiling in his sleep it was so cute.. but i couldn't help but think of Henry... Jackson looked just like Him i shed another tear and wiped it. i closed the door and got in and we dove off to go eat. 

*20 minutes later* 

we got home and Isabella unstrapped herself and i had Jackson we got inside and we all ate grilled cheese *isabella's favorite* i had to give them a bath... i washed Isabella and she put on a pink skirt and a white shirt and a white bow she laughed and watched tv in her room i had Jackson and he woke up and smiled

me: hey baby Jackson 

he smiled and i gave him a bath and put on a white shirt and some jeans........ he laughed and crawled to Isabella and was laughing at the way she was dancing. i smiled 

me: hey Isabella im going to shower can u watch tv in my room

Isabella: OK sure ! 

i picked up Jackson and we all walked to my room i showerd and got dressed

me: OK kids lets go back to daddy 

Isabella: what's wrong with daddy 

me: uh i dont even know honestly 

Isabella: is he OK 

me: yes baby he is he's just sleeping 

Isabella: OK 

i got stopped and ray called me 

me: hello 

ray: yeah char you might want to come back to the hospital 

me: why what's wrong

ray- he woke up 

me: oh god OK OK im coming 

ray: ok 

i hung up 

me: Ok kiddos lets go 

Isabella: ok !

before i walked out i packed some food for the kids so they won't be hungry later... 

we walked out and we drove back to the hospital and we walked in to Henry's room i stopped at the door and was just about to cry my eyes out 

Isabella: Daddy !

Henry: hey baby girl 

she ran and gave him a hug 

Henry: char 

me: hey 

Henry: come here

i walked to him and sat on the side of his bed he held my hand... he pulled me tight into a hug 

me: uhh i missed u i was so worried 

Henry: well im here now baby 

he let go and gave me a sweet kiss

Henry: i love you

me: i love you too 

he smiled and grabbed Jackson he smiled and hugged Henry 

Henry: awe i missed u Jackson 

he laughed and i smiled 

isabella ran and sat on the other side of the bed Henry smiled and kissed Isabella's cheak and Jackson we were all a family again... but i cant help but think who was the man who put that disease in Henry.. 


Hey guys thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed the vary last chapter of MR. & MRS. HART !!! thank u for being so supportive of this book i really enjoyed reading your sweet comments and personal comments i love you guys ❤❤❤❤

Sara 😉❤😏😍✌

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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