The Hunt

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Charlotte's POV: I woke up to the whole world around me spinning I screamed in fear when I heard laughing in my ear I tired to move but I was tied down. I coulnt remember what happened intell now all I remember is going to bed with henry... what happened ugh the world stopping spinning when It stoped I saw a werid man who was smiling at me

Mysterious Man: Why hello Charlotte Hart

me: what do you want

Mysterious Man: I want to make a deal

me: what

Mysterious Man: what I want is that thing growing inside of you it looks vary precious and pure and I want it. and for you ill let you and your husband go and u can forget I was ever in your life

me: absolety not you're not taking my child

Mysterious Man: well then I guess you're mine

me: what do u mean im yours

Mysterious Man: since that thing is growing inside of you I have to keep you with me intell it's time to deliver

me: heck no why would I want to stay with you

Mysterious Man: either that or have everything you love be taken away from you including you husband and 1 year old baby girl Isabella

me: first it's not called a thing it's called a baby ! a baby is growing inside of me and also how on earth do you know my daughter

Mysterious Man: see charlotte I meet you a long long time ago I was a customer at junk in stuff you showed me around the store and you really sold me I bought whatever you said was good. and I want that in a woman I want someone who can sell me I mean clearly you have the body for it look what you're wearing

me: ok thanks for the compliment and I'm already taken

Mysterious Man: see that's the only problem i have with you. you're taken and i hate that

Me: well nothing you can do

me: well see about that

he walked away with a smirl on his face and he came back with a long needle and some green stuff inside i screamed

me: what is that

Mysterious Man: oh this *laughs* this is only the beginning

he came closer to me and i scramed in fear he put the needle in my arm and i started felling dizzy and 30 seconds i closed my eyes


Hey guys thanks for reading i really hope you  like it ! i just felt like making more stories so i made another one ! tell me what you think and share like comment vote ! and this mysterious guy what do you think he's going to do to charlotte? and is henry going to save her in time before it gets worse well we just have to wait and see thanks again and i love you all


Mr & Mrs. Hart !?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt