Old Feelings Again ?

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Charlotte's POV: i woke up and looked around at our beautiful house today is the day that we go get isabella it's been about 2 weeks and it was the best 2 weeks of my life i didn't want it to end but like all things must come to an end. so i got up and i felt super dizzy i had to sit down i sat on my chair and took a deep breath it was over in about 10 seconds and i looked around in confusion and ignored it and i got up again and felt really sick i held my mouth and ran to the bathroom i threw up for about a good 2 minutes and i got up brushed my teeth 3 times and walked back to our room henry was awake i smiled

Henry: good morning beautiful

he tried to kiss me but it was like his scent was overwhelming i back away 

Henry: what's wrong ?

me: nothing its just the way you smell is vary overwhelming 

Henry: i'm not wearing anything and i took a shower last night ? 

me: i dont know i just dont like the way you smell right now maybe you should take a shower im going to for a walk ok?

henry: ok ?
 he walked away and turned on the shower and locked the door i ran to my big mirror on my side of the bed and looked at my stomach it was a little plump *gasp* 

me: no way no way

i ran and put on shoes and went to the local store and i got 2 pregancy test came back home just in time because henry was still in the shower 

i went to the bathroom downstairs and took both test i waited for 2 minutes and i took a deep breath and looked down *gasps*

both test were 2 solid lines 

me: *whispered to myself* I'm... Pregnant!

i smiled and threw the boxes away and held the two test in my hands how and i suppose to tell henry ?! what is he going to say oh my goodness i thought to myself this is exactly how i felt when i was pregnant with isabella but a little different i didn't have that overwhelming scent problem hmmm ? well i have to hide these and plan to make the perfect announcement i just dont know how ? 


Hey guys thanks for reading sorry haven't been updating everyday super busy but OMG CHARLOTTE'S PREGNANT ! yaaa  so for the surprise announcement i want everyone down in the comment to tell me how you want to charlotte to tell her family and henry the funniest and the best one will get a shout out and a special gift thank you guys and their will be more of these soon for the people who do not win this one ;) thanks again and good luck may the best one win ! this will end MARCH 8 2016 !

Sara ;) 

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