Horrible Reminders & Scary thoughts

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Charlotte's pov: I feel asleep as soon as henry laid me back down. the funny thing is I was still in my black lingire it was supirsingly comfortable and vary sexy. but in my dream I thought about what happened when I got taken I got mini imgagine of me crying I woke up

me: *gasps* I looked around made sure I was still in my house I got up and walked to Isabella's room she was knocked out asleep I closed the door and walked to the living room to henry asleep on the couch I get on top of him...

Me: Hen-ry wake-up

he wakes up and jumps I laugh

henry: char what are you doing out of bed you're on bed rest

me: i'm perfectly fine now everything is healed

henry: that's not what the doctor said

me: well the doctor just wants me to be miserable staying in bed

henry puts his hands around my waist I smiled

me: that's more like it... were married no an old married couple that doesn't even talk to each other anymore. he laughs and comes close to me and he barley puts his lips on mine tesing me basically. I pulled away

me: henry really

henry just pulled me closer and kissed me still with his had around my waist and I put my hands on his cheaks and kiss him with all I have that was one of our best kisses since we got to this house.

he pulled away

me: what?

henry: we don't need twins now

I laughed Me: trust me were done after this one

he agreed and we just kept kissing away when we heard Isabella cry.

me: see we could of been doing this all day if she hadn't popped up by mmm let me see u ! *laughs*

henry: hey it takes 2 TO MAKE A BABY !

I walked away to isabellas room me in the distance * yeah BUT WHO DOES THE WORKS THOUGH !

I come back with Isabella and she is just as happy as ever she plays with her toys and we watched

he turned my head

henry: I love you

I smiled and kissed him he kissed me back and put his hands back around my waist I stoped remembering Isabella was in the room and she was just playing phew she didn't see that

me: I love you too

henry: when are we going to know the gender of our baby

me: soon appointment is this weekend to find the sex of the baby. it's actually really werid how im not as big as I was pregnant with Isabella. mmmm

 henry: yeah ur not as baby-ie as u were with Isabella and ur less horrmornal and more chill AH ITS A BOY !!!!!!!!!

me: we don't know for certin so don't get to happy

henry: awe whatever no boy does that

me: actuatly they do u just don't know it

henry: I don't

me: anyway

*the next day*

our appointment is today and im super nervous about what the sex is going to be. I actually like this pregnancy better than isabellas I haven't thrown up a lot or gotten back pain or severe migranes etc..

we get their and henry is like bouncing off of his seat

me: baby calm down

herny: lol

Nurse: Mr. & Mrs. Hart

we both say yes and follow her......... I took off my pants and the doctor came in

doctor: hello charlotte and henry welcome im a fill in dr. scott was sick today but she told me to tell you good luck

I smiled and then we got started

he cheaked me

doctor: great 2 and a half centimeters and 70% aface so all good so far

char: phew that's a relif 

he pulled up my shirt & put the cold jelly like thing on my stomach

the baby was moving and so awake and so calm the heart beat was great everything. then moment of truth... aw you see that.. right there.....that's not what girls have..... I gasps and herny started smiling and dancing around the room

henry : yeah a son !

me: awe he's cute

doctor: he is a vary healthy and big and cute lml

me: thank u

doctor: ok so you 8 months and I will see you nxt month for your last appointment

me: ok thank you

doct: no problem

he walked out the room and I put back on my clothes and henry picked me up and kissed me

me: what was that for

henry: I made a boy !!!!!!!

me: lol

I cannot belive that im not as big as I was with Isabella im healthy not sick all the time I can eat everything this is a pregnancy I wish I had with Isabella. the only problem is that I get sleepy really fast

we left and went on home henry was carrying Isabella and kissing all over her I laughed and I went to our room and laid down I felt arms around me I smiled and turned around henry was kissing my neck and I pulled way.

henry: what?

me: nothing im just tired

herny: oh I can make u not tired

me: hen-ry....

henry: what

me: don't start

henry groaned and I smiled and kissed him he cuddle with me and we both slept together without drama we were happy again hopefully it wont happened again


hey guys thanks for reading hope u liked it  let me know what you want to happen in the next chapter love you guys bye


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