were going to be ok

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Char's POV: I woke up with the worst headace ever henry was wrapped around me and I heard snoring I looked over my shoulder and Isabella was on henry's chest laying on her side

me: *whispers* awe..

I kiss both henry and Isabella's head and looked at the time 7:45am I groaned and rubbed my belly *good morning* I felt little butterfly's I smiled and got up took some medicince and laid outside near the pool.

*20 minutes later* I feel hands on my waist and a kiss on my belly I smiled and peacked through my eyes and henry was their I opened them and he smiled and kissed me

henry: good morning

me: morning

I look at my watch and it was 11:30am I slept that long omg

henry: why aren't you in you're bathing sutie

me: im 8 and a half months pregnant im not swimming right now

herny laughed : suite yourself

he jumped in and splashed me

me: HENRY !

he laughed I ran back inside and we both put on our bathing suite and I had a floppy hat and she had one too i smiled when she smiled at me and we walked outside and she ran to herny and laughed

he picked her up and put her in the water i laughed and went back to my seat and read a magazine tanning with my floppy hat. life was finally ok again and we were happy and we knew everything was going to be ok.

1 month later....

Isabella was walking and starting to use her words to speak she said momma first *feel pretty proud* and she said daddy a little later on but at least she said it. honestly she rather spend more time with henry than me but it's ok my son will be a momma's boy.

me: are you gonna hang out with me *rubbing my belly*

i felt kicks i gasps

me: yeah were excited to meet you and cannot wait you have a big sister her name is Isabella. she is so sweet and she will love you. you have a dad his name is henry and he is so funny you will melt when you meet him. and then theirs me your mommy. im funny and really smart help you with homework and cool . but we cannot wait to meet you !
i felt more kicks and i laughed

i looked at the mirror and my belly wasn't huge ! i love it it was big but wasn't like wide load coming through *you know* it was a prefect belly bump and i loved it we got tot our last appointment today and so far he's awesome and ready to come when ever.

henry walks in comes behind me and kisses my neck he spins me and kisses me i let go

me: what was that for

herny: just telling you i love you

me: awe well i love you too, come on lets go tot the appointment

i get Isabella who is with henry and give her a bath she smiles as i wash her and when it's time to get out i put her in a pink dress with a blue bow. awe vary cute she kisses my nose and i kiss her nose back she laughs and i give her to henry so i can shower etc..

* hour later* everyone was ready and we were on our way to the appointment i got really nervous all of a sudden and nauseous

henry: u ok baby

me: yeah just nervous

henry: me too were gonna be ok i promise

i nod and when we get there dr. Harrison our appartently new doctor came in and cheaked me

3 centimeters 80% a face really good charlotte

me: thanks

doctor: ok now is the time to start trying to get your water to break ok ... start walking trying spicy food etc..

me: ok

doctor: ok well call us back when you're water break ok good luck and see you soon

me: thank you

he walks out i put back on my clothes henry kisses me and smiles

henry: we need a name before you're water breaks

me: uhh I've been thinking about it and one hasn't stuck to me

henry: what about JACKSON LEE HART

me: omg perfect i love it

henry: see i know how to name names *smirks*

me : ok can we go now lol

henry: yeah lol

we leave and get back in the car on the way home i was talking to baby Jackson

he kicked and i smiled

me: i think he likes that name

henry: i knew it

we smiled and when we got home i went right to sleep i was so tired that's the one pregnancy thing i don't like.

*the next day*

henry's pov: i woke up and char wasn't in the bed with me. i got up and Isabella was still sleeping i smiled and walked to the kitchen char had some toast and coffee siting beside her and she was on the computer i walked behind her and covered her eyes

char: henry

me: nobody sees the wizard

char: *laughs*

i kiss her and go get something to eat we ate for about 20 minutes and we heard crying..

char: uhh you're turn

me: ok ok

i walked to the back and Isabella was crying i picked her up and she fell right back to sleep. i rolled my eyes and she smiled in herself i walked back out and put her on the couch and continued eating  next to char..... she takes a sip of her coffee and stops and looks at me with wide eyes

char: uh o

me: water broke ?

char nodded and got up and put on different clothes and walked back out she was latterly shaking i smiled

me: char baby were about to meet Jackson !

char: *shaking* i'm scared

me: me too baby but were going to be ok

char packed Isabella's bag for the weekend and grabbed our hospital bag. i picked up Isabella she was still sleeping.

me: lets go meet Jackson

char smiled and took a deep breath

char: here we go


Hey guys thanks for reading :) hope you like it let me know what you think and vote comment and share with others lets get Mr. & Mrs. Hart on the charts !!!!!!!!! love you guys


Mr & Mrs. Hart !?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant