Pregnant? How?

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I was feeling sick a lot lately... I was throwing up a lot... I don't know why.
This morning I woke next to Ryan.. But an uneasy feeling came over me, I rushed to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet.
"Brendon baby? Are you okay?"
"Ye-" I threw up again.... What's happening?
"Come on, I'm taking you to the doctors.
"We've run some tests and we found out what was wrong"
"What is it?"
"Congratulations Mr Urie! You're pregnant!"
"What? Pregnant? How?"
"You see Mr Urie, you were born with both female and male organs. Therefore allowing you to get pregnant. Only a few men in the country can get pregnant" there doctor smiles.
"Oh my god Bren! We're gonna have a baby!"
"I know! I can't believe it. This is amazing" I smile.
8 months later......
I could drop any day now... I'm becoming more cranky. But Ryan's helping me. I love him so much.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain go through my body.. Then I felt wet...
"Bren... What's- oh my god"
"Baby. On. It's. Way" I said in pain.
"Come on, let's get you to hospital"
"I swear if you don't drive to the hospital any quicker I'll chop your dick off"
"Sorry baby. I'm going as fast as I can"
"Not fast enough" I said "ouch"
"Nearly there Bren"
"As you're probably aware Mr Urie you can't give birth naturally, you're gonna have to go into operating" (is that what happens? I don't know about these things😂)

5 hours later...
I woke up to see Ryan holding a baby in his arms crying.
"Hi baby" he smiled "want to see our new baby boy?"
"It's a boy?" He nodded "oh my god" Ryan handed me our perfect little boy.
"He's beautiful"
"Gets it from his dad then"
"Yeah, he gets it from you" I say still looking at him.
Ryan just smiles and shakes his head. "We still gotta name him... What names did you have in mind?"
"Declan or Daniel or Dylan"
"You're really liking names beginning with 'D' aren't you?" He laughed. "How about Daniel Dylan Urie?"
"Yeah... I'd prefer it to be Daniel Dylan Ross" I smiled.
I swear I saw Ryan tear up again.
"Nows probably not the right time to ask but... Bren will you marry me?"
"Of course Ryan. I'd love to be your husband" I smiled. It was me crying this time.
I've never been happier
I have my beautiful baby boy and my gorgeous fiancé. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for us next.

Part two??

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