you Cutiepie ;)

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C is for Curls, covering your head every mile.

Aww that one time with valentine's day! He totally stole my heart, the chance I would've wanted another guy besides him lowered with 200% haha.

He tweeted: Happy Valentines day everyone

and I replied as my crazy and weird self (which I always am by the way, unless I sleep...):

"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY I'll be forever alone ;)"

when he replied, I freaked, when I saw it was to me, I freaked even more haha but when I saw what he tweeted my heart just dropped, in a good way? :p

There stood 'we can be forever alone together :)'

I still remember since it was the cutest thing you ever tweeted aww.

Dear Jacob, you made a fan feel special that day. I wish everyone could feel how I felt back then :)


Happy Almost Birthday Jacob x

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