Rrrr tiger ;)

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R for Rapping, with Milo, sounding rather posh.

Your friends are awesome! I don't really know them, I don't even know you really well. :p

But Milo as example, you should tell him he's indeed a genius! I just love him, he's awesome haha and so are your other friends (probably/most likely)

And your female friends, are all so pretty, I feel like I could die :/ jk but they really are though.

This chapter totally goes out to them. Not just for their looks though! I talked to some of them, more like a tiny chat ahah but they really nice, considering me as the socially awkward person in the conversation ;)

Oh and the fact they're all so pretty just makes it harder to believe that you don't date any of them though, like I just can't- haha

Dear Jacob, tell your friends they're awesome, tell them after they thanked you it wasn't your idea but mine hahaha jk ;) x


Happy Almost Birthday Jacob x

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