Quiz me Quick

29 0 1

Q is for Q&A, even though all the comments went like 'Oh My Gosh!'

67 questions? Do you realise what that is Jacob? 67 of the most ridiculous things I could come up with before I got forced into my bed.

At least sending 3 more while they tried to take my IPad out of my hands.

67 unanswered question. You're lucky I like you so much ;)

I must admit I totally liked the rush it gave me, everytime I sended a question. Just thinking of how Jacob could read and maybe smile.. Argh I'm/was killling myself. Maybe it was best after all you didn't answer them.

I send them in twice.. Does that counts as 134 questions then? ;) Anyway your definition of soon is a biiiiit bigger expressed than it most likely is haha. Still that just one thing more to add on your describinglist :)

Dear Jacob, it's what makes you unique, we understand you don't have much time since you totally have a life beside uh yourself, don't think you should do everything so slow though!! :D


Happy Almost Birthday Jacob x

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