I got an Idea

24 1 0

I is for Instagram, finding a pic of your retarted face is our aim.

I just love sometimes the fact how Jacob helps achieving the things on my skelt-list-thingy. I don't know whether he does it on purpose or not. But it totally helps haha.

It gives this special feeling I described before, but this is kinda different. He's like actually helping. I know it's just some list, I won't really achieve something with it in other people's eyes, but I do. I feel like achieving something with it.

And I apprecciated Jacob helps me out with that sometimes.

Dear Jacob, just thank you. For being there even when you're not. I just always feel like I can relay on messaging you, you don't even need to respond or read it for that matter. You just have no idea of how you changed things :)


Happy Almost Birthday Jacob x

Happy Birthday Jacob <3Where stories live. Discover now