i'm not Obsessed...

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O is for Obsession or our amazing dedication.

Okay this one time, I nearly felt like dying if I didn't reloaded your twitterpage and instagram and stuff, every two seconds.

I was at my dad, I was sat in the couch and you have no idea what a waste of energy and time I was spilling. We actually got a picture of my multitasking but I can't find it right now ;p

The tv was on, the radio was playing my 1D cd, I had my dad's big laptop on my lap with my Skype on, I had my pc next to me at my left I think which held your twitter, my dad's old IPhone also on my lap in case for idek what, my phone in case someone texted, my mp3 was in, and my brother's laptop stood at my other half refreshing my email's every two seconds as well :p Oh and an IPad...

It was crazy, I sat there for like 8 hours non-stop until my family found me haha. No food, drinks, toilet, sleep... :p After that my dad took away two laptops, turned tv and radio off, and took his iphone back and my phone's battery died so. All I was actually doing after that was on my dad's big laptop, opening every single tab related to you and rewatched a twitcam until you would post something on whatever site possible.

It was that day, you did that Q&A you never gave us the answers to ;) I asked 67, you know :p

Dear Jacob, no one has ever let me starve without even realising it like you did that day ahah ;)


Happy Almost Birthday Jacob x

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