you're Zuper ;) x

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Z is for Zuper, how uncorrect that may sound ;).

This one may sound a bit weird... I was talking with someone and then it just piped up in my head :p.

Every Skelt, and even if it isn't a Skelt, just the person who marries Jacob, I'm going to be your bridesmaid. I'll tell you why ;) because something like this is totally gonna need to happen!

Just imagine, you're getting married with Jacob and then I will FI-NA-LLY get a picture with him and after the wedding and stuff you live happily ever after.

And that day I'll go home and print out the picture, I'll sit down at my desk in front of my pc and go to my Skelt-list.

One of my 60 cats crawls onto my lap, and I look down with a tiny smile before a small tear slips from my eye and I look back up, scratching 'meeting Jacob Skelton, like in real life' of my list...

And then I'll die because I totally feel like that'd be a beautiful moment to die! :) And I'm so weird, where the heck did that come from?! :D

Dear Jacob, I'll always be weird like this. I think you only can make it worse ;)


Happy Almost Birthday Jacob x

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