Love, oh love.

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L is for Love, and how much we adore you.

Remember that song I wrote about you? It was because I felt sad.. I mean, I even felt guilty as even I just knew you because an article that said you look like Harry Styles....

I was sick, it was 2AM and I was sat next to the toilet incase I needed to puke...

But somehow your friend Ben kinda inspired me without knowing and I just went for it. Not wanting to spill another second without trying to make you notice that we do not just love you for some freaking sexy guy called Harry Styles ;p.

I recorded it, I typed it out, made some lame video with it, and just uploaded it during my exams while I was sick.

It sounds terrible I know, the fact Jacob said other wise made me almost want to laugh at how good of a liar he was ;) But I do appreciate it though, and honestly I don't think it would've sound any better if I hadn't been sick.

Dear Jacob, thanks for your patience with me and your fandom. And thanks for the way you surprised me back then. Three words 'Check your Youtube' and I was already dead ;) x


Happy Almost Birthday Jacob x

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