I hate you.....Part 3 (Cheating Bf Nate X Mat X Gf Reader)

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I watched i am bread on youtube and i can't believe that went Nate is on rage his just so funny! I should feel bad for him but meh! That guy! Is just cute i can see his cheeks are burning red! XD

You and Mat finished playing. You were exhausted screaming and laughing. You set on the couch and spread your arms and legs. Mat went to the kitchen to get some meals. You open up your purse and grab your phone suprisingly you have 26 missed call and 34 message from....Nate.....You lets out a groan.

"Tch! Who cares about that idiot......" You pressed the delete contact and put your phone on your purse again. As you about to put it on your purse your phone rang again and the number is no other then your cheater bf Nate.

"Tch! Again?! Sigh!!!!"

"Whats wrong Y/N?" You looked up and saw Mat standing at beside the couch holding a tray of food.


"Nate? Why is he calling you?"

"Dont know dont care"

"So are you gonna pick up or not?"

"Nah! Leave it be...i dont want to talk with that bastard!"

"Sure....." Mat set the tray on the table and sit next to you.

"Waaaaaaah!!!!! Mat! You can cook?" You said while your eyes sparkling and drooling looking on the food.

"Yeah...i can sort of..." Mat said while he scretches his hair.

"Alright here goes nothing!~" You take a piece of (insert food) You smiled widely how good the taste is you kept eating while Mat is starting at you. You looked at Mat giving "You want some?" Face. He shocked his head and gives "No thanks you can finish it up" face. You smiled and continue eating.

Mat was pretty much delightful that you loved his cooking. The truth is that Mat is pretty bad at cooking the food taste awful but if it comes for you he will do whatever it takes to cook the best as the best and so the result was a success. You finsh eating and burp holding your tummy. "Aaah~ thats was good! Thanks for the meal Mat!"

"Your welcome"

Mat gazed upon your eyes again. "Y/N..."


"There...is...somthing i wanted to tell you"

"What is it?"

"I-" Before Mat could finish his sentence Mat's phone rings on his pocket. "Gimme a sec"

Mat gest up from the couch and pick up his phone from his pocket.


You just sit there and looked at Mat

"Oh...hey Nate!" Mat lookes at you and your eyes widen.

"Whats ups? Huh? Y/N? Oh shes not here..."

"Y/N? I dont know where she went...What? I am serious man i dont know........Alright bye" Mat hang up the phone. "Nate is looking for you Y/N"

"Hah! Who cares about him! I hate him!" You pout and crossing your arm looking away "His cheating on me! That little bastard!"

Mat sat down next to you again and holds your hands. You blushed still looking away. "So what i wanted to say early Y/N is that....."

You looked at his eyes and so he did once again "That i...i...well liked you..."


"I...well umm...you see i like you went we first met...and umm...went i heard you had a bf...its just...making me so...jealous but i put that aside i mean i cant force you to like me right? So...yeah...."

"I....well...i like you too Mat..."

Mat's eyes sparkles "Re...Really?!" You noded your head. Mat smiled and hugs you before you could react "Yaaaay~" You smiled and hug back "Heheh~"

"Then umm Y/N this is a sudden but.....will you be my gf?"

You noded your head quickly "Yes!!!"

"Thanks Y/N i"ll be the best new bf that you ever had! And i will do with my power to make you happy always!"

And so you and Mat spend time together talking chatting doing what your doing....but a little that you dont know.....that someone out there outside pouring rain (if i didnt said its rainy today put it on <__<) someone...is watching you both with hatred and jealousy clentching its fist and gritted its teeth.

To be continued......

For the next chapter should i put Nate into a yandere mode activated or just normal Then he fight with Mat normally or what. You guys comment below and let me now and i"ll see you guys in the next chapter! Byeeee

Natewantstobattle (One shot X Reader Part 3) (Complete)✅Where stories live. Discover now