Mine alone....Part 2(Yandere NateMare X Nate X Mat X Reader)

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I swear in this chapter you will hate me! No no! Like hate me for real not the fact i torture....well maybe that also..meh but not in this chapter but i think you will hate me. Anyway enjoy reading.

You close your eyes as you lay down in bed with Mat...

5 minutes later......

Suddenly you were awaken by a smell of something....Your eyes is still close but your up. You slowly sits up and rubbing your eyes. When you gain concious you can now barely smell a smoke...coming from outside. You shake Mat's shoulder.

"Mat!! Mat!! Wake up! Mat!!"

Mat groan and smacked your hand (not hard) "What is it....Y/N? Its still midnight...." Mat said in his sleepy tone.

"Something is not right! I smell smokes coming outside!"

"Maybe Felix is doing barbecue or something...-"

(Note: You are a hevy sleeper went something happen like explosion or glass breaking you wont wake up easily only went you wake up is that you smell something strange)

"Mat!!! Snap out of it!!" You hit Mat's head. Mat sits up quickly and looked at you holding his head that you just smacked "Ow! The hell you do that for?!"

"Felix would never had a barbecue outside in midnight idiot! You know he sleeps early!"

"Maybe something else....Come on Y/N..."


"Ok ok ok! Geez calm down!"

You groan and get up headingg fir the door. "Where are tou going?" Mat asked

"Going outside to find out"

(Oh yeah if i didnt mention that your house its like next door to Felix's house like neighbors so you guys went to each others house easily without gates and stuff <--- Ignore the gate part you understand what i meant right? Anyway on to the story...)

You went outside and looked at your left side which is Felix's house and stared in horror...as you see a burning blaze fires burning down the house. Mat catch up to you also stared in horror as he loooed at Felix's house.

"Oh god! No!" You quickly went to Felix's house.

"Y/N wait!-" Mat said but its too late you already went insides Felix's house.

Flames surrounds you as you called your friends name "Felix!! Marzia!!!" You shout.

No response as the flames are getting higher and hotter.

"Felix!!!! Marziaaa!!!! Are you in there!!!! Answer me!!!" You shouted again. Suddenly you can hear a muffle noise coming from upstairs. You quickly went upstairs carefully to watch falling bricks or flames surrounds it. You stoped and shout again "Felix!!! Marzia!! Where are you!!!!"

No response.....

You tried to open's Felix's bedroom but it was lock. You grab a near object which is (insert the object must be strong to break) and smash the doorknob. It opens. You called again "Marzia! Felix!"

"Y/...Y/N......" You turn on your left and sees Marzia stuck on the bed must have been the bed tomp her. Her left leg is stuck. You quickly went to her and tried to pull her.

"Hang on! Just hang on i"ll get you out of there!"

"Y/N....he...help me....."

"I will! Just hang on!"

You tried to lift the bed but it was to heavy you looked around and saw (insert item) near the door you quickly grab it and was about to went to Marzia went sadly....a fallen ceiling collapsed and land on Marzia's head and her body.

You fell down on your knees as tears stream down from your face "MARZIA!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!" You scream.

The ceiling started to collapse more as you get up feeling weak and get out from the house. Just as you get out you stare in horror...As Mat and...Felix were beaten up bloody badly. There the one who beaten up the two standing at the back of them. There are two figure. The two figures turn around and look at you. Now you can see its face.....you recognize them and bad memories flow to your mind......

Yes....its them...these two followers who takes orders fromt their master.

The green haired guy named Jack known as Anti Jacksepticeye and the blue haired guy as Mark known as DarkiePlier (<---- Blame me if my spelling is wrong)

Jack lookes at you then to Mark "Its her...."

Mark noded his head "Yes....Thats the woment that our Master wants..."

"You dont mean..." You backed up "NateMare...."

"Yes our master NateMare...and he needed you now..." Jack went closwer to you as you backed even more.You were about to turn around and run but too late. Jack caught your hand. You struggle letting go his grip but usless. Jack covers your mouth with something which makes you blacked out. Jack smirked and carried you in bridal style. Mark pulls out his phone and called.

"Sir we got the girl..."

"Good...and what about her friends?"

"We caught two of her friends bit beaten up by us...What should we do with them sir? Should we kill them?"

"No...i want you to bring them as well.."

"Understood sir"

Mark hang uo the phone. Jack pits you in the van along with Felix and Mat. Jack and Mark went to the car and starts the engine driving to....NateMares house.....

To be continued....

Hate me anyone! No? 🌚

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