Chapter 8 :New day...

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~Kyle's P.O.V

I woke to see y/n next to me. I didn't want to wake her up but I had to. I lightly shook her and she woke to see me. She smiled then sat up. She yawned and got up and said, "well, thanks for the company, Kyle" and started to unlock the door. "W-wait where are you going?" I asked.

"Well you helped me more than once so I'm deciding to make waffles!" And with that she strolled out the room humming

~y/n P.O.V

He has helped me and I'm just returning the favor.... He is soooo nice. I start to make the waffles. And with that they were done. I saw Ike run downstairs and he said

"oooooooooo what's for breakfast"

I laughed and gave him a plate of waffles. He licked his lips and dug in. I giggled then saw Kyle come downstairs. I rubbed his hair and sat at the table.

When we finished, Kyle and I went to the bus stop. To find Kenny, Stan, and Cartman

~Cartman's P.O.V

Heat rushed to my face. Ever since yesterday I've felt something that made my face heat up and my heart race every time I thought about her. It felt amazing! I have to feel it again, I need to be with her again! But that stupid Jew is in my way. I need time alone with y/n.... That's it, at lunch! Perfect!

Y/n P.O.V

I saw Cartman and he was red as a tomato! I wonder what he was thinking. The bus soon arrived and I was looking for y/f she wasn't on the bus... I was soon greeted by the most popular girl in the school, Wendy Testaburger. Omg I was so terrified so I just sat in a random seat just so she couldn't say anything to me... I turned to see who it was. Y/f!

"Y/f!" I said as I hugged her.

She turned around and smiled. " are you and Eric?"

"Omg let me tell you..." I said then told her what happened the past night

"Jerk..." She muttered

"DON'T SAY THAT BECAUSE HE'S NOT!!!" I accidentally yelled, standing up with steam going out of my ears.

That got everyone's attention, including Cartman's I sighed then sat down.

Shortly after we all got off the bus I was shoved by Wendy I winced in fear and she said " see ya later freak!" Then cackled as she walked away.

I walked to my locker and saw Cartman as usual. And I saw Clyde walk down the hallway. He said

"Hey girly? Wanna come over later... Maybe we can play videogames or something?" He said smirking. He always calls me that.... Its kinda cute to be honest

All I did was blush. I was about to talk but then something happened...

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