Chapter 11: No...

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Cartman has been over more lately and we've been hanging out! Its so fun! My senpai is noticing me!!!! (Sorry I just had to) I was at the bus stop with Stan. "Hey dude! I think Cartman likes you!" I blushed as soon as those words slipped into my ears. "Wh-what nahhhh no that's impossible no..." I said obviously nervous. "Hmm y/n, I would say you want him to like you..." Stan said then smirked. "Yeah it does..." I hear I familiar voice behind me. I turn around to see Kenny.

"Nooooooo" I said with sweat coming down my forehead. "Well I-" "Hey guys" Cartman said walking over next to me. "We'll finish this later..." Stan whispered in my ear. I nodded and turned around to Cartman and smiled.

Cartman's P.O.V

"Hey Cartman!" Y/n said. "H-Hey..." I said. For some time now every time I'm around y/n it makes my face heat up. Every time I see her e/c eyes it makes me smile... Oh and that smile... That beautiful, precious smile... Wait what? What am i thinking? She's a fucking bitch! Cartman get yourself together your not falling for some... Some... Smart... Funny... Awesome ugh not again...

The bus came along and we stepped on. 'Wait what are you doing? No! Don't you dare' I then sat next to y/n. 'Congrats! You did it...' I sarcastically thought. "So wanna come over and play video games later at my house?" She asked with that infamous smile. I couldn't say no. "Uh yeah sure... Whatever!" I said. "Great! Because I just got f/g (favorite game) yesterday!" She beamed. I loved that game it was like the best ever. "Wow really?!" I said. "Yup" She said.

~le timeskip

We got off of the bus and headed to our locker. She took out her books and I did the same. "See ya at lunch! I've got something to tell you then!" She said as we walked into our classroom. I hope she means what I think it means...

~timeskip to lunch and your P.O.V

I was gonna tell him. 'I'm gonna tell him how I have felt for the past four years out of the time we've known each other.' I walked to the table that I usually sat at (with the boys) and sat down. "OF COURSE I DON'T LIKE Y/N SHES A DUMB SLUT. HAHAHAH I RATHER KISS BEBE'S ASS!" I heard a familiar voice say/yell. Tears weld up in my eyes. "Thanks for letting me know... I won't bother you again" I say walking away, not giving him or anyone for that matter to respond.


Okay so your gonna see why that happened in the next chapter so until then byyyyyye!!!

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