Chapter 15: Sharing Feelings

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"Y-Y/n?" Eric says wiping away a few tears. "Eric!" I yell jump-hugging him. "I... I thought you were mad at me" then it all came back to me

"OW!!!" He said rubbing his cheek

That's right. I slapped him

"That's for talking about me fatass!"

"Aye! You b-" he started but he paused "look y/n...." He started "I.... I like you okay. Every time I've been around you lately, I've felt like I had butterflies inside my stomach it felt so weird... So... So I thought if I avoided you and treated you like crap it would stop. But it only made me feel a new feeling.... Heartbreak"

"Oh Cartman. I like you too...." I said smiling

"Wait what?" Cartman said. "You like me? After all I've done to you? I would even be surprised if you were still even my friend....." He said looking away "look Eric...." I said turning his face towards me softly. "You may be a dick but I.... I know there's a kind, funny, and caring guy in there somewhere.... I just have to dig him out to the surface, that's all"

He was astonished by my words, but then smiled. "That's the y/n I love...."

And for the rest of the night we ate cheesy poofs and watched scary movies.

Did I do good? Hope so.... Anyway there's only a week left of school so I'll be updating more often!!! Are you excited? I am. I have so much in store for this book!
And with that see ya later peeps!

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