the unexpected dare

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We go outside to find everybody sitting in a circle.

"Hey!" Shouts Brennan when he see us. Caleb waves and they make room for us in the circle. Everybody gives Caleb some crap about hitting me, but they're joking.

"Okay okay guys," he says. His face is bright red. I smile and kiss him lightly on the cheek.

"Oooooooh!" Exclaims Ryan in response to us kissing. Everybody laughs.

"Shut up Ryan," says Caleb, and our laughter grows louder.

"Alright, so what are we doing?" I ask.

"We're gonna play truth or dare!" Says Liv.

"Why don't we play truth PLUS dare?" Asks Brody.

"Truth plus dare?" Asks Caleb, "like the collab channel Dad runs?"

"Wait what?" I ask, confused about something they all seem to know about.

"TruthPlusDare is a channel Dad runs on YouTube where they have a truth and a dare to do every week, hence the name TruthPlusDare." Explains Annie.

"YEAH AND I'M ON IT!" Scream Ryan.

"Me too," says Brennan.

"Same here," says Brody.

"And I used to be on it," says Caleb.

"Are people you don't know on it?" I ask.

"Well I'm friends with most of the people on it who are around my age... Wait, remember the guy we met at VidCon, Graham? He's the Thursday on TruthPlusDare." Says Caleb.

"Are there girls on it?" I ask, still not entirely understanding the concept.

"Yeah! The Wednesday spot is a girl, and so are the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday spots." Explains Caleb.

"Ohhh," I say. "That's really cool!" He nods.

"Okay, so anyway, can we play truth plus dare now?" Asks Katie.

"Yeah!" Says Annie.

"Um, Caleb you're first!" Says Liv.

"Alright," says Caleb.

"So first the truth," says Katie. "Ummm, describe the person to the left of you in ten words or less." I'm the person to his left.

He looks at me and smiles thoughtfully. "Umm... Ebony is... Funny, and clumsy... but in a good way, kind, caring, and she is so adorable the way everything she does is so freaking flawless but she's so humble about it and would never say a word about herself but-"

"Alright! I think you've exceeded the limit!" Says Liv.

"Your dare is to do a flip," says Annie.

"Yeah... Uhm, that's not gonna happen, but I guess I'll try!" He goes to the trampoline and bounces a few times before attempting a flip, that he can actually do. The landing is a little messy, but all and all it was pretty impressive! Everybody cheers before we return to the circle.

"Okay Liv, your truth is if you had to kiss anybody in this circle of people, who would it be?" Says Katie.

"Umm, I'm gonna have to go with Brennan," she says. Everybody murmurs and giggles.

"Right, then, your dare is to kiss Brennan!" I say. Everybody laughs and then Liv, who is blushing profusely, approaches Brennan. She gives him a quick peck on the lips, and scrambles back to where she was seated.

Ryan is still laughing and then begins to sing, "Liv and Brennan sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes lo-"

"ALRIGHT RYAN!" Says Brennan, punching his brother.

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