Rude much?

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(Lilly's POV)

I wake up and yawn and get out of bed. I brush my hair and change into a blue and white striped shirt and skinny jeans. As I'm walking downstairs I hear a voice say "You what?? Why would you basically kidnap someone?" "Look her parents were in danger and they asked me to take her but didn't know how so.." Dan says. "Mate, all I got to say is ... Just wow." A guy says Then there was silence. I walk around the corner to make myself visible. "Oh hey Lilly." Dan says. "Who the f*** are you?" his friend asks. "Language!" I yell at him. "You, my friend need to calm down." the guy says. "You, my friend need to go pound sand." I say turning around and I hear Dan say "Burned." As I'm walking I hear the guy say "Rude much." "Thank you." I say walking up the stairs. I take out my phone and sigh "I miss my family." I place my phone on the ground and I stand up. I hear the door close showing that, that dude left.

I go to step forward to go down the stairs but I forget my phone was there and I tumble down the stairs. Tears spring to my eyes when I fell, as if I broke my nose. I hear footsteps then Dan saying "Lilly are you ok?" "No, my fudge ball of a nose hurts.",I say. "Fudge ball??" He asks. "Yeah its fudge but in a sphere like shape." I say failing to explain it. "I know I ju- never mind." He says holding his hand out. I grab it and he pulls me up and gives me a hug. "Is your arm hurt?" He asks. "No but when will I be able to get my cast off?" I ask hugging back. "Maybe in a week or two?" He says estimating the time. "Mkay." I say releasing the hug and I sit on the couch. He follows my actions and said "Oh and sorry about earlier." He says. "What I roasted him, its cool." I say leaning on his shoulder. "Okay just wanted to make sure that he didn't hurt your feelings at all." He says. And I smile "Nope because I'm with you." I say.

Kidnapped By DanTDMWhere stories live. Discover now